Comment 0 for bug 1662606

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Mgc Lude (mgc.lude) wrote : probable general issue with toggles / battery

This is a complicated one, I'm trying to reach a diagnostic with limited tools. I'll leave the rest with you. Here's the deal:

I have noticed that the toggle buttons seem to be "lying" or providing wrong information, as if when we disconnect / deactivate certain functions, they seem to still be active until restart - Despite the toggle buttons showing them as "off".

Test examples:

- turn on cellular data
- turn on wifi
- turn on hotspot function.


- leave cellular data on (on 2G only, to test the connection speed and demand on the battery).
- turn off wifi
- turn off hotspot.


Battery goes down steadily (graphics on battery settings show a marked drop over several minutes / hours) with no usage whatsoever, no running applications, only stand-by. In less than 2 hours it goes from 95% to 60%.
Temperature on the upper back of the phone goes up and keeps a hot, steady temperature (not the battery, but the circuit on the top part, near the top antenna), to the point where I have to remove it from my pocket, it's almost burning.

My theory: the wifi hotspot is still turned on, despite the fact that I *apparently* turned it off, along with the wifi connection. There's obviously no data connection at that point (can't find the wifi network), but the circuit keeps operating, I guess.

This is either a battery issue, but my guess goes to the toggle functions. As you can see on other bugs, there seems to be a number of similar issues regarding activation / deactivation of functions / forced to restart to re-assume functions and so on. We need to check this with proper measurement tools.