Comment 1 for bug 1086395

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Wolf Vollprecht (w-vollprecht) wrote :

Hi Joede,

thanks for this suggestion. I don't know if you are aware of pandoc templates? That's basically what I intended to do as soon as I have some time.

For example, there could be a LaTeX / PDF Template for a letter. Now, I would like the workflow like this:

User selects template -> a new document gets created with a very special header: YAML-Like markup of the variables for the template, eg:


Name: Peter Wise
Adress 1: Great Street 15
Adress 2: 8845 Frankfurt


and from this the variables are »compiled« and inserted into the pandoc template.

Also I agree, there should be more different templates for different things, as you mentioned. But as much as I would love to do all this, I can't with the limited time I have.

If you already have some templates I would be really happy if you contribute them :) (This goes out to everyone ;)