Comment 3 for bug 1897964

Revision history for this message
Bryce Harrington (bryce) wrote :

Indeed, later in the day yesterday I tried pushing again and it worked (and then I pushed a new branch for a different package, with no troubles.) I briefly looked at Thiago's git commits but it wasn't obvious to me what the underlying issue had been or why it started working, but the fast attention given to it is much appreciated. Whatever the issue was for me, it seems not reproducing now and I presume Thiago's changes fixed it.

Note that my 'bryce' remote is defined as pointing to inside the ubuntu project space, i.e.:

[remote "bryce"]
        url =
        fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/bryce/*
        fetch = +refs/tags/*:refs/tags/bryce/*
        pushurl = ssh://<email address hidden>/~bryce/ubuntu/+source/php-parser
        tagOpt = --no-tags

I suspect there's some subtle differences between git branches in ~user/ vs ~user/ubuntu/+source/ but don't know if that would affect things.

FTR, I did not make any changes to ssh keys, gpg keys, VPN or other launchpad account settings yesterday. I did re-sign in to SSO once or twice yesterday, but couldn't say if that was related to the problem or not.