Comment 0 for bug 1449248

Revision history for this message
Thomas Ward (teward) wrote :

Please backport znc 1.6.0-2 (universe) from vivid to trusty, utopic.

Reason for the backport:
ZNC 1.4 as exists in Trusty is vulnerable to the SSLv3 issue of POODLE. It was requested that a backport of ZNC 1.6 be made available for Trusty as exists in Vivid to get the ability to disable SSLv3 by default out of the box, and to enable the SSL-related features of cipher selection, protocol selection, and other Security centric changes.

PREREQUISITE BEFORE ACCEPTING: - swig3.0 library is required in Ubuntu Trusty, via source package 'swig'. It produces swig3.0 binaries.

RELATED: - Initial request as a bug against the ZNC package. - Security bug against ZNC indicating that the SSL listeners are vulnerable to POODLE.

Build tests in PPA:
NOTE: The build test PPA also contains the no changes backport of the swig package from Utopic as referenced in #1448823

Mark off items in the checklist [X] as you test them, but please leave the checklist so that backporters can quickly evaluate the state of testing.

You can test-build the backport in your PPA with backportpackage:
$ backportpackage -u ppa:<lp username>/<ppa name> -s vivid -d trusty znc
$ backportpackage -u ppa:<lp username>/<ppa name> -s vivid -d utopic znc

* trusty:
[X] Package builds without modification
[ ] znc installs cleanly and runs
[ ] znc-dev installs cleanly and runs
[ ] znc-perl installs cleanly and runs
[ ] znc-tcl installs cleanly and runs
[ ] znc-dbg installs cleanly - No run test (see below)
[ ] znc-python installs cleanly and runs
* utopic:
[X] Package builds without modification
[ ] znc installs cleanly and runs
[ ] znc-dev installs cleanly and runs
[ ] znc-perl installs cleanly and runs
[ ] znc-tcl installs cleanly and runs
[ ] znc-dbg installs cleanly - No run test (see below)
[ ] znc-python installs cleanly and runs

Run Test Definitions:
* znc binary: Configure and run ZNC.
* znc-dev: Run znc-buildmod against any third-party ZNC module that works with ZNC 1.6. (znc-buildmod does the actual compiling provided by this package)
* znc-perl: After running ZNC, load the modperl global module.
* znc-tcl: After running ZNC, load the modtcl global module.
* znc-python: After running ZNC, load the modpython global module.

Binaries without Run Tests:
* znc-dbg: Contains debug symbols, and does not have executable code. Install test

Reverse dependencies:
The following reverse-dependencies need to be tested against the new version of znc. For reverse-build-dependencies (-Indep), please test that the package still builds against the new znc. For reverse-dependencies, please test that the version of the package currently in the release still works with the new znc installed. Reverse- Recommends, Suggests, and Enhances don't need to be tested, and are listed for completeness-sake.

* f-irc
  [ ] trusty (Reverse-Suggests) - TESTS / REBUILDS NOT REQUIRED (per Micah Gersten and discussion on #ubuntu-motu)
  [ ] utopic (Reverse-Suggests) - TESTS / REBUILDS NOT REQUIRED (per Micah Gersten and discussion on #ubuntu-motu)




