Comment 11 for bug 1257021

Revision history for this message
Dan Nguyen (daniel-a-nguyen) wrote :

If you go with the fix you have now you will have follow up with a fix to the python-troveclient to handle the error response.

ubuntu@ubuntu:~/trove-integration/scripts$ trove user-grant-access 3603282e-6788-403b-b2a7-f0534c404852 loco mysql

ERROR: An error occurred communicating with the guest: Remote error: BadRequest Grant access to mysql is not allowed
[u'Traceback (most recent call last):\n', u' File "/home/ubuntu/trove/trove/openstack/common/rpc/", line 440, in _process_data\n **args)\n', u' File "/home/ubuntu/trove/trove/openstack/common/rpc/", line 172, in dispatch\n result = getattr(proxyobj, method)(ctxt, **kwargs)\n', u' File "/home/ubuntu/trove/trove/guestagent/datastore/mysql/", line 70, in grant_access\n return MySqlAdmin().grant_access(username, hostname, databases)\n', u' File "/home/ubuntu/trove/trove/guestagent/datastore/mysql/", line 388, in grant_access\n "Grant access to %s is not allowed") % database)\n', u'BadRequest: Grant access to mysql is not allowed\n']..

Alternatively you could just "ignore" the dbs by moving the code into the try/except block.


 def grant_access(self, username, hostname, databases):
        """Grant a user permission to use a given database."""
        user = self._get_user(username, hostname)
        mydb = models.ValidatedMySQLDatabase()
        with LocalSqlClient(get_engine()) as client:
            for database in databases:
               = database

                        g = sql_query.Grant(permissions='ALL',,
                        t = text(str(g))

                       except ValueError:
                            "Grant access to %s is not allowed") % database)


This might have the advantage of allowing you to skip over bad databases if databases contains more than 1 database rather than stopping at the first error. (not a big deal)