Comment 6 for bug 2019192

Revision history for this message
Harald Jensås (harald-jensas) wrote :

  "changed": true,
  "cmd": "set -ex\nif type tripleo-mount-image >/dev/null; then\n tripleo-mount-image -a /home/zuul/overcloud-full.raw -m /tmp/tmp.hgGhG1Uhzi\nelse\n # stable branches do not have tripleo-mount-image, and only use\n # partition images\n modprobe nbd\n if qemu-img info --output json /home/zuul/overcloud-full.raw |grep '\"format\": \"raw\"' ; then\n image_format='--format raw'\n elif qemu-img info --output json /home/zuul/overcloud-full.raw |grep '\"format\": \"qcow2\"' ; then\n image_format='--format qcow2'\n else\n image_format=''\n fi\n qemu-nbd --connect /dev/nbd0 /home/zuul/overcloud-full.raw\n mount /dev/nbd0 /tmp/tmp.hgGhG1Uhzi\nfi\n",
  "delta": "0:00:00.124561",
  "end": "2023-05-29 12:32:03.920319",
  "msg": "non-zero return code",
  "rc": 32,
  "start": "2023-05-29 12:32:03.795758",
  "stderr": "+ type tripleo-mount-image\n/bin/sh: line 1: type: tripleo-mount-image: not found\n+ modprobe nbd\n+ qemu-img info --output json /home/zuul/overcloud-full.raw\n+ grep '\"format\": \"raw\"'\n+ image_format='--format raw'\n+ qemu-nbd --format raw --connect /dev/nbd0 /home/zuul/overcloud-full.raw\n+ mount /dev/nbd0 /tmp/tmp.hgGhG1Uhzi\nmount: /tmp/tmp.hgGhG1Uhzi: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/nbd0, missing codepage or helper program, or other error.",
  "stderr_lines": [
    "+ type tripleo-mount-image",
    "/bin/sh: line 1: type: tripleo-mount-image: not found",
    "+ modprobe nbd",
    "+ qemu-img info --output json /home/zuul/overcloud-full.raw",
    "+ grep '\"format\": \"raw\"'",
    "+ image_format='--format raw'",
    "+ qemu-nbd --format raw --connect /dev/nbd0 /home/zuul/overcloud-full.raw",
    "+ mount /dev/nbd0 /tmp/tmp.hgGhG1Uhzi",
    "mount: /tmp/tmp.hgGhG1Uhzi: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/nbd0, missing codepage or helper program, or other error."
  "stdout": " \"format\": \"raw\",",
  "stdout_lines": [
    " \"format\": \"raw\","