Comment 1 for bug 1999749

Revision history for this message
chandan kumar (chkumar246) wrote :

In order to fix this issue, we need to use authfile to buildah login
❯ buildah login --help
Login to a container registry on a specified server.

  buildah login [flags]

  buildah login

      --authfile string path of the authentication file. Use REGISTRY_AUTH_FILE environment variable to override
      --cert-dir string use certificates at the specified path to access the registry
      --get-login return the current login user for the registry (default true)
  -h, --help help for login
  -p, --password string Password for registry
      --password-stdin Take the password from stdin
      --tls-verify require HTTPS and verify certificates when accessing the registry. TLS verification cannot be used when talking to an insecure registry. (default true)
  -u, --username string Username for registry
  -v, --verbose Write more detailed information to stdout
authfile support is not present in tripleo-ansible tripleo-podman role is used in container build job.

So I think we need to revert the above patch and then add authfile support in tripleo-podman and re-revert the patch.