Comment 1 for bug 1987364

Revision history for this message
Cristian Le (lecris) wrote :

I have managed to find a "solution" to this issue:
Edit the `/var/lib/config-data/puppet-generated/ironic/etc/ironic/ironic.conf` so that it contains
command_retry_timeout = 90
min_command_interval = 10
use_ipmitool_retries = true

The issue here being that ironic triggers `ipmitool` too frequently, one on top of another. Therefore I am using `use_ipmitool_retries` to avoid that overlap. Then ipmi commands take rather long time on the current network and old hardware, i.e. a call of `ipmitool power status` can take more time than `min_command_interval`, so I increase `command_retry_timeout` to compensate for that. Then I increase `min_command_interval` so that it doesn't flood the ipmi as much and it can report the `power status`