Comment 1 for bug 1966972

Revision history for this message
Marios Andreou (marios-b) wrote :

this is a duplicate of

(from logs in the description):

e30=eyJ1dWlkIjogIjk1NTU5OTkyLTM0NzEtNDIzZi1iNWM4LThiZTE1N2I4OGJkOCJ92022-03-29 13:02:48.712267 | fa163e4a-5da8-70f8-6211-000000000043 | FATAL | Capture the update repos and installed rpms | localhost | error={"changed": true, "cmd": "buildah run yum list installed > /var/log/container_info.log\n", "delta": "0:00:47.014302", "end": "2022-03-29 13:02:48.686853", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 1, "start": "2022-03-29 13:02:01.672551", "stderr": "time=\"2022-03-29T13:02:27Z\" level=error msg=\"did not get container create message from subprocess: read |0: i/o timeout\"\nerror running container: write containercreatepipe: broken pipe\nerror while running runtime: exit status 1", "stderr_lines": ["time=\"2022-03-29T13:02:27Z\" level=error msg=\"did not get container create message from subprocess: read |0: i/o timeout\"", "error running container: write containercreatepipe: broken pipe", "error while running runtime: exit status 1"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []}