Comment 4 for bug 1958230

Revision history for this message
Cédric Jeanneret (cjeanner) wrote :

Yep, so something is preventing dracut to do its job properly, or, maybe, doesn't call dracut the right way:

cat /boot/loader/entries/3096152462f947feae105af3ba3df966-5.14.0-43.el9.x86_64.
title CentOS Stream (5.14.0-43.el9.x86_64) 9
version 5.14.0-43.el9.x86_64
linux /boot/vmlinuz-5.14.0-43.el9.x86_64
initrd /boot/initramfs-5.14.0-43.el9.x86_64.img
options root=UUID=4a50018c-f6ea-4bd7-95dc-badc49878c01 ro console=ttyS0,115200n8 no_timer_check net.ifnames=0 crashkernel=auto
grub_users $grub_users
grub_arg --unrestricted
grub_class centos

Here, we have the mention of that old UUID. How are we supposed to re-generate this file ? I see mentions of "dracut --force" in DIB, but when looking on the Net, I stumbled on this one:

*before* anything, run `dracut --force --no-hostonly`
*after* everything, run `dracut --force`

Are we missing a step somewhere?

At least, according to the overcloud-full.log, the latter is called properly:
2022-01-17 23:21:18.529 | dib-run-parts 50-dracut-regenerate completed

Mentions of dracut are from:

Maybe we should get a new elements/dracut-regenerate/pre-install.d in order to get that "--no-hostonly" call ?