Comment 8 for bug 1938932

Revision history for this message
Marios Andreou (marios-b) wrote :

copy/paste from #tripleo just now, but yeah we need the wallaby cherrypick. the reason we aren't seeing the issue there yet is because the puppet-tripleo patch hasn't been merged on wallaby yet

12:20 < tkajinam> marios|ruck, the problem was caused by
         which was merged recently, and
                  that fix is not yet backported to wallaby. that's why we don't see the issue in W
12:20 < tkajinam> We should have merge that fix in tht first then this puppet-tripleo patch
12:21 < marios|ruck> tkajinam: i see ok then it makes more sense ... but then why does wallaby get the 'right'
                     config with connection=mysql+pymysql
12:22 < marios|ruck> tkajinam: (probably related/because puppet-tripleo/+/786644 isn't on wallaby yet? )
12:22 < tkajinam> marios|ruck, yeah
12:22 < Tengu> probably better backporting, especially since wallaby will be osp-17...
12:22 < tkajinam> marios|ruck, puppet-glance automatically convert glance::api::database_connection to
12:23 < tkajinam> but this logic doesn't work if we include glance::api::db BEFORE glance::api
12:23 < tkajinam> that what I made in that puppet-tripleo patch :-P
12:23 < tkajinam> that's *
12:23 < marios|ruck> tkajinam: ah i see ok it makes sense now thanks
12:24 < marios|ruck> tkajinam: so first we need the cherrypick to tht then the cherrypick to pupppet-tripleo