Comment 1 for bug 1892702

Revision history for this message
Damien Ciabrini (dciabrin) wrote :

This is a dup of, more specifically, the two container images used during the update job have misaligned UID/GID:

# original container image used for the deploy
sudo podman run --rm --net=host -it id mysql
uid=42434(mysql) gid=42434(mysql) groups=42434(mysql),42400(kolla)

# updated container image
sudo podman run --rm --net=host -it id mysql
uid=27(mysql) gid=27(mysql) groups=27(mysql),42400(kolla)

This issue is fixed in master [1] fixed the issue, but we probably need a promotion or the latest container image tagged current-tripleo needs to be rebuilt for that bug to go away.
