Comment 0 for bug 1805342

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Radoslaw Smigielski (radoslaw-smigielski) wrote : TripleO common AnsibleAction class fails on any add hoccommand not formated ad dict

tripleo_common/actions/ AnsibleAction class provides a wrapper around ansible executable (not ansible-playbook). Normal ansible command allows to execute add hoc commands like below:

> ansible overcloud-Controller-2 --module-name shell --args "hostname"

This is fully working but when remote command is going to have any param/switch this fails, example:

> ansible overcloud-Controller-2 --module-name shell --args "hostname -s"

The problem is that in AnsibleAction class --args is always treated as JSON and converted to string with json.dumps():

        self.module_args = self._kwargs_for_run.pop('module_args', None)
        if self.module_args:
            self.module_args = json.dumps(self.module_args)

so in my above example this is what we end up with:

(Pdb) command
['ansible', 'overcloud-Controller-2', '-vvvvv', '--module-name', 'shell', '--args', '"hostname -s"']
(Pdb) self.module_args
'"hostname -s"'