Comment 1 for bug 1801778

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Jason E. Rist (jason-rist) wrote : Re: Keystone circular reference on OPTIONS

<jrist> hi all. we've got a bug in tripleo that seems like it's keystone. does anyone have a moment to look?
<openstack> Launchpad bug 1801778 in tripleo "Keystone circular reference on OPTIONS" [High,Triaged]
<lbragstad> jrist it's detecting a circular reference in your roles
<jrist> it sort of seemed like that. do you happen to have any insight on how we might go about fixing?
<jrist> I'm clueless.
<lbragstad> specifically, the role implication has a circular reference
<lbragstad> jrist you can query the implied role linkage using openstackclient
<lbragstad> `openstack implied role list` should give you that information, which you should be able to use to track down the circular reference
<lbragstad> biab
<jrist> thanks lbragstad