Comment 1 for bug 1714857

Revision history for this message
Steven Hardy (shardy) wrote :

I think this is because the --templates option is missing the path to match the -e options, try this:

openstack overcloud deploy --control-flavor control --control-scale 3 --compute-flavor compute --compute-scale 1 --templates openstack-tripleo-heat-templates -e openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/network-isolation.yaml -e nic-configs/network-environment.yaml -e openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/puppet-pacemaker.yaml --ntp-server

Probably we need to add a validation to tripleoclient - this happens because we now j2 render several environment files (including network-isolation.yaml), and that only works if the --templates foo matches the -e foo/environments/network-isolation.yaml path.