Comment 1 for bug 1691106

Revision history for this message
John Fulton (jfulton-org) wrote :

I filed, which I just marked as a duplicate of this bug. Though it points out a slight evolution in the issue that I'll drop in here.

Olilver reported the following about one week ago:

(undercloud) [stack@undercloud ~]$ echo $OS_AUTH_URL

In my case (yesterday) the new stackrc as generated by tripleo-quickstart is using secure keystone:

(undercloud) [stack@undercloud ~]$ grep OS_AUTH_URL stackrc

Though upload-swift-artifacts is using the new port, it's using HTTP, not HTTPS:

(undercloud) [stack@undercloud ~]$ upload-puppet-modules -d puppet-modules
Creating tarball...
Tarball created.
Authorization Failure. Authorization failed: ( The resource could not be found. (HTTP 404)
(undercloud) [stack@undercloud ~]$

Is the URL getting built incorrectly?

My version is: openstack-tripleo-common-7.0.1-0.20170512193241.bde811b.el7.centos.noarch