Comment 3 for bug 1684058

Revision history for this message
Sofer Athlan-Guyot (sofer-athlan-guyot) wrote :

So, originally reported there

So what we are observing here is:
 - 1. we restart during the controller phase after adding the placement parameter: the restart is useless but not harmful
 - 2. now nova conf has wrong placement parameter, see[1]
 - 3. during the non-controller upgrade script, yum upgrade openstack-nova-compute and then try to restart it and fails because of wrong placement parameter, it goes one restarting it continuously;
 - 4. puppet happens and upgrade parameters in nova.conf one at a time (like sequential crudini) with a purge (recreate all the configuration)
 - 5. systemd restart openstack-nova-compute at the wrong time and get default value for rabbitmq ( and the openstack-nova-compute is stuck at boot
 - 6. puppet hangs as it cannot restart the service as it's already in the "starting" state.

So I think that making sure we get the placement parameter right should solve the issue. Having openstack-nova-compute down before yum upgrade shouldn't be necessary. It's just a matter of having the parameters right