Comment 3 for bug 1675384

Revision history for this message
Alfredo Moralejo (amoralej) wrote :

After some additional investigation, i've realized that when we hit this, the task is failing after one hour, so it seems some kind of timeout.

I've been able to reproduce this locally and what i find is that when i run command:

# openstack --debug baremetal configure boot

it just doesn't return after message:

Started Mistral Workflow tripleo.baremetal.v1.configure. Execution ID: 5ef72f29-dbb7-45c5-b9ad-16973395ee6b
Started Mistral Workflow tripleo.baremetal.v1.configure. Execution ID: 4a1f7b60-fe60-4f6a-938c-8dce242c1006
Waiting for messages on queue '4250bd94-88e0-472e-afff-de64ba86f59a' with no timeout.
Waiting for messages on queue '4250bd94-88e0-472e-afff-de64ba86f59a' with no timeout.

However, if i check the worflow executions they are marked as successfull:

| 5ef72f29-dbb7-45c5 | 5e81b4d8-72f5-442f- | tripleo.baremetal.v1 | | <none> | SUCCESS | None | 2017-03-24 17:27:44 | 2017-03-24 17:28:02 |
| -b9ad-16973395ee6b | 9ff0-3800a8da16f7 | .configure | | | | | | |
| 4a1f7b60-fe60-4f6a- | 5e81b4d8-72f5-442f- | tripleo.baremetal.v1 | | <none> | SUCCESS | None | 2017-03-24 17:27:55 | 2017-03-24 17:28:05 |
| 938c-8dce242c1006 | 9ff0-3800a8da16f7 | .configure | | | | | | |

and if i check the messages in the queue where the command is supposedly listening, the messages are there:

$ openstack queue stats 4250bd94-88e0-472e-afff-de64ba86f59a
| Field | Value |
| Stats | {u'messages': {u'claimed': 0, u'oldest': {u'age': 2330.519677877426, u'href': u'/v2/queues/4250bd94-88e0-472e-afff-de64ba86f59a/messages/3ab2ec7a-10b7-11e7-911a-009e82dc8afb', |
| | u'created': u'2017-03-24T17:28:01Z'}, u'total': 2, u'newest': {u'age': 2328.3804879188538, u'href': u'/v2/queues/4250bd94-88e0-472e-afff- |
| | de64ba86f59a/messages/3c465eb4-10b7-11e7-b442-009e82dc8afb', u'created': u'2017-03-24T17:28:03Z'}, u'free': 2}} |

So, it seems that somehow openstack command is not getting the messages from the queue.