Comment 2 for bug 1626426

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Julie Pichon (jpichon) wrote :

Trying out Newton, I'm still seeing an issue with the CephClusterFSID parameter (web UI deployment). I assigned 1 node to Ceph Storage, enabled the Storage environment, and the deployment failed with:

Resource CREATE failed: resources[1]: resources.CephStorageServiceChain.resources.ServiceChain.Property error: Property CephClusterFSID not assigned

Looking at the Mistral environment, I see the following Ceph related values:

| | "CephMonKey": "AABqHgpYAAAAABAAlQErZrdGZhrrhfuqEH+jHB==", |
| | "CephAdminKey": "AQBqHgpYAAAAABAA8NLc8Y/tNnE4fuY/eOMCHy==", |
| | "CephRgwKey": "AABqHgpYAAAAABAAkjtVCDFZB0YZbFmm6W+iMA==", |
| | "CephClientKey": "AABqHgpYAAAAABAAfl83c2b5pfofg+nYzzyHOw==", |

It doesn't seem to be in the list of automatically generated passwords: . IIUC the CephClusterFSID needs to be set manually in some cases (external pre-existing Ceph) and be generated automatically in others (new Ceph deployment?).

Unfortunately at the moment I can't work around the problem because I can't figure out where to set this particular property. I looked in the parameters for the overall deployment configuration and in the parameters/services for the Ceph Storage role itself. I also tried setting it as JSON config as part of CephStorageExtraConfig, ExtraConfig, ServiceConfigSettings in the Ceph Storage parameters but with no luck (using {"ceph::profile::params::fsid":"4b5c8c0a-ff60-454b-a1b4-9747aa737d19"}).