Comment 8 for bug 1317056

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James Polley (tchaypo) wrote :

Chatted with Roman; he can't reproduce this any more and hasn't been working on TripleO.

I've assigned this to myself so that it has an owner; but from what I'm reading, I'm getting the impression that this has only been seen once or twice; is suspected to be caused by Ironic shutting instances down without warning, and is possibly exacerbated by non-journalling filesystems.

It sounds to me as though the paths forward are:

* work with Ironic on a more graceful shutdown (which I believe is in progress); and
* perhaps reconsider which filesystems are in use (which sounds to me as though it's probably something for the implementor to consider rather than TripleO

Is there anything I'm missing that would mean that there's some work for TripleO team to do here?