Comment 0 for bug 1449940

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Yu Bo (byu) wrote :

Defect Description: When transfer a connection object to the constructor of a Runnable interface, the Sql exception ERROR 2055 will be caught if execute a simple Sql stmt that is created by this connection object.

Test Environment:, T2 driver.

Test Steps:

Step 1. Create a user connection object in static main function.

for example:

public class TestMultiThread {

    public static void main(String args[]) {

        Connection conn = MyConnection.initConnection(0);

Step 2. Implement a Runnable interface and Write a constructor with only 1 parameter that is a Connection object.

for example:

class MySingleThread implemnts Runnable {

    MySingleThread(Connection conn) {
        this.conn = conn;

    public void run() {
         Statement stmt = this.conn.createStatement();
         stmt.execute("get tables");

Step 3. Start a thread to do test in static main function.

for example:

Thread t = new Thread(new MySingleThread(conn));

In the above steps, the line 'stmt.execute("get tables")' will throw a Sql exception as below,

java.sql.SQLException: *** ERROR[2055] The specified value 'OFF' for DEFAULTS attribute ACCEPTABLE_INPUTESTLOGPROP_ERROR is not valid.---*** ERROR[2055] The specified value 'OFF' for DEFAULTS attribute ACCEPTABLE_INPUTESTLOGPROP_ERROR is not valid.
java.sql.SQLException: *** ERROR[2055] The specified value 'OFF' for DEFAULTS attribute ACCEPTABLE_INPUTESTLOGPROP_ERROR is not valid.
        at org.trafodion.jdbc.t2.SQLMXStatement.executeDirect(Native Method)
        at org.trafodion.jdbc.t2.SQLMXStatement.execute(