Comment 2 for bug 1419112

Revision history for this message
Matt Brown (mattbrown-2) wrote :

DCS has 2 scenarios for startup that have a direct affect on which log4j appender is used when logging events.

 First, When DCS is started using bin/ script the following properties are set:

And, using bin/dcs it's possible to run any DCS class just by specifying the fully qualified class name. When this happens the following properties are set:

From a perspective the important properties are:

In the first scenario above the "console" appender is used and this typically sends events to System.err.
In the second scenario the "DRFA" appender is used and events are sent to a daily rolling file.

The problem comes in when JdbcT2 driver is used. The class overwrites the "DRFA" appender directing all output to conf/ trafodion.hdfs.log file. Since no regard is given to existing appenders in this class all DCS events are "lost" to the trafodion log file.