Comment 0 for bug 532949

Revision history for this message
Ken Tang (ktlb) wrote : Checkout of a large branch hangs due to error: Adding the key ... to an LRUSizeCache failed. value is too big

Checkout of a large branch hangs due to error: Adding the key ... to an LRUSizeCache failed. value is too big to fit in a the cache.

I have a branch with many file changes, not necessarily a lot of revisions that hangs when attempting to check it out.
It generally hangs during "Build phase:Adding file contents .."
I've tried this several times and each time it hangs, and the Bazaar log gives the same kind of error messages.

Fri 2010-03-05 16:25:09 -0500
0.406 bzr arguments: [u'co', u'-r', u'27', u'--lightweight', u'bzr+ssh://mypc/C:/BzrRepo/TestBranch', u'test1']
0.453 looking for plugins in C:/Documents and Settings/ken/Application Data/bazaar/2.0/plugins
0.453 looking for plugins in C:/Program Files/Bazaar2.0/Bazaar/plugins
0.859 encoding stdout as sys.stdout encoding 'cp437'
2.969 falling back to default implementation
2.969 failed to load system host keys: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'U:\\/.ssh/known_hosts'
[ 7212] 2010-03-05 16:25:12.943 INFO: Connected (version 2.0, client
3.453 SSH authentication via id_rsa key failed.
4.000 encoding stdout as sys.stdout encoding 'cp437'
[ 7212] 2010-03-05 16:25:19.895 INFO: Authentication (password) successful!
[ 7212] 2010-03-05 16:25:19.911 INFO: Secsh channel 1 opened.
10.922 creating branch reference in file:///C:/bzrDev/test1/.bzr/
75.639 failed to load system host keys: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'U:\\/.ssh/known_hosts'
[10184] 2010-03-05 16:25:21.927 INFO: Connected (version 2.0, client
76.123 SSH authentication via id_rsa key failed.
[10184] 2010-03-05 16:25:22.756 ERROR: Error processing remote request
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "tbzrlib\pipe\server.pyo", line 132, in run_command_loop
  File "tbzrlib\dispatcher.pyo", line 200, in dispatch
  File "tbzrlib\dispatcher.pyo", line 42, in get_file_status
  File "tbzrlib\cache\wtcache.pyo", line 257, in get_status_for_path
  File "tbzrlib\cache\wtcache.pyo", line 180, in __create_cache_for_path
  File "bzrlib\workingtree.pyo", line 346, in open_containing
  File "bzrlib\bzrdir.pyo", line 1742, in open_workingtree
  File "bzrlib\workingtree.pyo", line 3019, in open
  File "bzrlib\workingtree_4.pyo", line 1489, in _open
  File "bzrlib\bzrdir.pyo", line 1725, in open_branch
  File "bzrlib\branch.pyo", line 2041, in open
  File "bzrlib\bzrdir.pyo", line 844, in open
  File "bzrlib\bzrdir.pyo", line 879, in open_from_transport
  File "bzrlib\bzrdir.pyo", line 2065, in open
  File "bzrlib\bzrdir.pyo", line 3294, in _open
  File "bzrlib\remote.pyo", line 114, in __init__
  File "bzrlib\remote.pyo", line 52, in _call
  File "bzrlib\smart\client.pyo", line 129, in call
  File "bzrlib\smart\client.pyo", line 142, in call_expecting_body
  File "bzrlib\smart\client.pyo", line 87, in _call_and_read_response
  File "bzrlib\smart\client.pyo", line 60, in _send_request
  File "bzrlib\smart\protocol.pyo", line 1238, in call
  File "bzrlib\smart\protocol.pyo", line 1107, in _write_end
  File "bzrlib\smart\protocol.pyo", line 1074, in flush
  File "bzrlib\smart\medium.pyo", line 390, in accept_bytes
  File "bzrlib\smart\medium.pyo", line 913, in _accept_bytes
  File "bzrlib\smart\medium.pyo", line 767, in _accept_bytes
  File "bzrlib\smart\medium.pyo", line 791, in _ensure_connection
  File "bzrlib\transport\ssh.pyo", line 333, in connect_ssh
  File "bzrlib\transport\ssh.pyo", line 321, in _connect
  File "bzrlib\transport\ssh.pyo", line 520, in _paramiko_auth
  File "bzrlib\config.pyo", line 1248, in get_password
  File "bzrlib\ui\__init__.pyo", line 126, in get_password
NotImplementedError: <bound method SilentUIFactory.get_password of <bzrlib.ui.SilentUIFactory object at 0x01189670>>
11.078 opening working tree 'C:/bzrDev/test1'
44.859 Adding the key (<bzrlib.btree_index.BTreeGraphIndex object at 0x0150DBB0>, 6453685, 8559445) to an LRUSizeCache failed. value 64034471 is too big to fit in a the cache with size 41943040 52428800
[10184] 2010-03-05 16:27:46.190 ERROR: Error processing remote request
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "tbzrlib\pipe\server.pyo", line 132, in run_command_loop
  File "tbzrlib\dispatcher.pyo", line 200, in dispatch
  File "tbzrlib\dispatcher.pyo", line 42, in get_file_status
  File "tbzrlib\cache\wtcache.pyo", line 224, in get_status_for_path
  File "tbzrlib\cache\wtcache.pyo", line 142, in is_path_allowed
TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'NoneType' objects
[10184] 2010-03-05 16:34:20.963 INFO: Disconnect (code 11): Login grace-time exceeded

Example 2:
Fri 2010-03-05 16:38:37 -0500
0.359 bzr arguments: [u'co', u'-r', u'27', u'--lightweight', u'bzr+ssh://mypc/C:/BzrRepo/TestBranch', u'Test2']
0.406 looking for plugins in C:/Documents and Settings/ken/Application Data/bazaar/2.0/plugins
0.406 looking for plugins in C:/Program Files/Bazaar2.0/Bazaar/plugins
0.734 encoding stdout as sys.stdout encoding 'cp437'
2.953 falling back to default implementation
2.953 failed to load system host keys: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'U:\\/.ssh/known_hosts'
[ 4684] 2010-03-05 16:38:40.786 INFO: Connected (version 2.0, client
3.468 SSH authentication via id_rsa key failed.
3.906 encoding stdout as sys.stdout encoding 'cp437'
[ 4684] 2010-03-05 16:38:47.740 INFO: Authentication (password) successful!
[ 4684] 2010-03-05 16:38:47.770 INFO: Secsh channel 1 opened.
10.984 creating branch reference in file:///C:/bzrDev/Test2/.bzr/
11.234 opening working tree 'C:/bzrDev/Test2'
43.608 Adding the key (<bzrlib.btree_index.BTreeGraphIndex object at 0x01512BB0>, 6453685, 8559445) to an LRUSizeCache failed. value 64034471 is too big to fit in a the cache with size 41943040 52428800

Version Info:
Bazaar (bzr) 2.0.0
  Python interpreter: C:\Program Files\Bazaar2.0\Bazaar\python25.dll 2.5.4
  Python standard library: C:\Program Files\Bazaar2.0\Bazaar\lib\
  Platform: Windows-XP-5.1.2600-SP3