Comment 11 for bug 549643

Revision history for this message
Rodja (trappe) wrote :

Thanks for testing and the good feedback!

1. sync icon not intuitvely understand as "button"
The action bar "design pattern" from Google is very new. After your objection I looked closer to the Twitter App. They are using 1px vertical lines to frame each button in the action bar. Would be great if you can find the time to enhance our action bar with this, too. I've changed the owner of the sync-ui branch to Tomdroid Developers, so you can push your changes right into the branch.

2. sync button to small + 3. graphics aliased
I did bad scaling and pixel pushing with Gimp for the icons as a first shot. Also they are too small and not as high as the action bar itself. They need to be redone properly with inkscape as SVG-graphics. I just filed this as bug #593351 because this will take some time and does not block this ticket in general.

4. freezing ui when orientation is changed
I could not reproduce this behaviour on my DROID, but there is indeed a sync button update issue when orientation is changed. It's not so important for me to invest a lot of time into this right now. Maybe you can have a look...

5. slow re-sync
I do not have as many notes as you have. Maybe it would be good to file a bug for this because I do not think it's caused by the UI changes I introduced.

6. This should also be a seperate bug. I have not invested a lot of time in the Note view because I guess this part will be modified a log when note editing is implemented.