Comment 3 for bug 1490433

Revision history for this message
Kyle Nitzsche (knitzsche) wrote :

Hi Matthew,

For this to be implemented, three things would need to happen:
1) Ubuntu Design would probably need to OK it and provide some clarity on what the default behavior and design is. What can be done with the current approach is that by default, both weather sources would display and the user could disable either (or both) in Today settings. If you'd like to pursue this, please add a task to this bug for Ubuntu UX.
2) The weather app folks would need to write a child scope that can feed the weather data to the Today scope under an aggreed to aggregation keyword [1].
3) Today scope would need to add aggregation of that keyword.

Of these points, 3) is the easiest (which happens to be what I would probably be responsible to implement ;)
