Comment 5 for bug 445346

Revision history for this message
Rob Oakes (robertsoakes) wrote :

Hi Stan and Philippe,

I went through and took a look at the app, duplicity_interface and utils classes that deal with snapshot deletion and the autoremove methods. In 0.2, autoremove buttons don't actually do anything; which is to say, there isn't any way to activate those methods except by modifying the source code.

I'm afraid we may be dealing with something else here. Stan, by chance, did you happen to press the "Delete Backup Set" button? If you have more than a single complete backup set, it's possible that one of the sets was deleted and you are seeing the remaining files of the other sets. The way that we list out backup sets in Time Drive isn't as robust as it could be.

An alternative theory is that one of the links in you backup chain somehow got corrupted. This has been known to happen with duplicity. If that is the case, it would produce the same sort of behavior that you describe. To test for corruption, could you run the following command on the broken backup:

duplicity verify /path/to/archive

Regardless of the cause, I consider this to be a serious bug and would like to correct it.

