Comment 18 for bug 940631

Revision history for this message
In , G.M. (sexxxenator) wrote :


I have the same problem here: some calendars and some email accounts configured and my passwords "protected" with master password (because LaZagne showed how the default set up is insecure!). And multiple pop ups to ask for master password at Thunderbird's opening.

And I have even more dramatic problems:

1. I use AwesomeWM and open automatically ThB at startup and on a specific "desktop" ("tag"). If I do not fill/cancel at least 1 of the popups quickly, and if move around between the "desktops", and then come back to the "desktop" where ThB is opened, I cannot validate/cancel the pop ups (even if I can fill the "password" field!). The only available option I found is to kill ThB with "pkill thunderbird"

2. I encountered the situation above (and removed the .lock & .parentlock files) at the same time (Ubuntu) as my system was updating ThB's package. Now, everytime I try to open ThB, I see the pop ups, but when I fill/cancel a few of them, the main ("Mail") ThB window as well as the remaining popups just disappear... So I have no way to do anything in any GUI.
However, I've tried starting ThB from command-line, and when this occurs, the process does not end, so I know ThB is still running, but with no GUI to control it :{

I would welcome any advise to get back at least a minimal control over ThB...

This bug might be duplicate of: