Comment 1 for bug 211079

Revision history for this message
hdanniel (hdanniel) wrote :

You could add this on the top of the on_vte_press_button function:

    # Left mouse button and CTRL on a url should open a browser window
    mask = gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK
    if (event.state & mask) == mask:
      if event.button == 1:
        url = self._vte.match_check (int (event.x / self._vte.get_char_width ()), int (event.y / self._vte.get_char_height ()))
        if url:
          if (url[0][0:7] != "mailto:") & (url[1] == self.matches['email']):
            address = "mailto:" + url[0]
            address = url[0]
          openurl ( address )
      return False

It only works with http:// ... links, same behaviour as the "Open Link" option in the context menu.