Comment 5 for bug 1301605

Revision history for this message
Stephen Boddy (stephen-j-boddy) wrote :

I'm not aware of anyone else looking into this. If you do decide to take this forward put the bug into "In Progress" and assign it to yourself. That way others know that someone is already doing some activity on this.

A further suggestion is to create a personal branch, push it to Launchpad, and push incremental updates as you work. This has a number of positives, like allowing other people to perhaps collaborate with you, it lets me see what approach you're taking, and head off any bad decisions before they get too advanced (like making the entire terminal blink at 15 Hz). In the event that you cannot finish for whatever reason, it also lets others continue (standing on the shoulders of giants and all that). Sad to say that in OS sometimes people just disappear (I'm guilty of that myself) so occasional updates to a branch are a good "proof-of-life" without having to try and track people down.

As to which branch, **definitely** the gtk3 branch. The gtk3 branch is only experimental in that it is not the default by now. It is as stable as (if not more so) the gtk2 branch. The gtk2 branch is pretty much only going to get bug fixes from this point. Any new features and abilities will only go into gtk3, and gtk2 will gradually forgotten.