Comment 14 for bug 1301605

Revision history for this message
Andrea Fagiani (andfagiani) wrote :

I have expanded upon the (amazing) work put in by Dan and uploaded a new branch with my changes at .

This is still very experimental, brace yourselves.

running "terminator -M" will start a local session (or attach to an existing one) named "terminator".
running "terminator -M --remote <something>" will start a remote session (or, again, attach to an existing one) named "terminator". <something> can be anything your user's ssh client would be able to connect to (Host entries in your ssh config, user@x.x.x.x, etc).

If you were to attach to an existing session, the initial layout is passed by tmux to terminator.

Outside of basic functionality, the following should work:
 - special characters
 - copy/paste
 - mouse scrolling (inside alternate buffers, otherwise it is handled by terminator)
 - zooming/maximizing a pane (they can be a little buggy due to gtk redrawing events, but they should be usable)

Not working, but hopefully one day:
 - tmux select-layout (especially useful for tmuxinator, tmuxifier, etc.)

Known bugs:
 - a few issues arise when using oh-my-zsh, e.g. non-working Home/End keys, non-working arrow-key history search, etc.
   it is probably due to this oh-my-zsh bug and there should be a workaround for most of them
 - un/maximizing a pane in alternate buffer mode (or entering it immediately after) can result in visual artifacts
 - probably many more

Feel free to try it out and report back any issues/bugs/suggestions you might have. As always, contributions are more than welcome.