Comment 9 for bug 1030562

Revision history for this message
Egmont Koblinger (egmont-gmail) wrote :

I attach a preliminary demo patch to port Terminator to Gtk3.

The patch applies on top of the source converted by Get (blob 43af662) and then do:

bzr branch lp:terminator
cd terminator terminator */*.py */*/*.py
patch -p1 < .../terminator-gtk3-v1.patch

You also need to have vte-0.37.2 (or current git master HEAD) installed, which internally refers to itself as vte-2.91. Vte breaks the API with the 0.37 [gnome 3.13] series, it's not compatible with the current stable 0.36 [gnome 3.12] (which internally calls itself vte-2.90). The two versions can safely coexist in parllel so it shouldn't be a problem for anyone to install new Vte (get 0.37.2 tarball; ./configure --prefix=/usr; make; sudo make install). I saw no point in trying to work up a lag of 3 years into a version that's not the newest so that then we'd have to port again.

The patch is in demo state. Many things are broken, many things are commented out in the source just because they didn't work out of the box right away and I didn't bother with them. But at least it starts up and runs okayish (assuming no ~/.config/terminator/config file), finally using a terminal widget that has received about 100-200 bugfixes since its Gtk2 version, which is a giant step.

From this point, it's a long series of very small easy fixes making it better by each step (going through the bits I commented out in the patch, the bits that don't look good on the UI, the bits that changed in Vte over the time etc.) that would eventually make it pair up with the Gtk2 version.

I might come up with a second version fixing some of the bugs, but I really don't promise. I definitely promise I will *not* be the guy making it ready to ship (due lack of time and interest) but it sounds like an easy and great learning task for anyone with little or no Gtk/Python coding practice. If anyone volunteers, I'm more than happy to help.