Comment 6 for bug 1715663

Revision history for this message
Manik Bindlish (manikbindlish19) wrote :

I have tried to reproduce using master(Rocky):

1.) Modified "zaqar_tempest_plugin-0.0.1.dev62-py2.7.egg-info/entry_points.txt"
#zaqar_tests = zaqar_tempest_plugin.plugin:ZaqarTempestPlugin
zaqar_tests = zaqar_tempest_plugin:ZaqarTempestPlugin

2.) Run "tempest list-plugins"
Could not load 'zaqar_tests': 'module' object has no attribute 'ZaqarTempestPlugin'
'module' object has no attribute 'ZaqarTempestPlugin'

I have not received the traces as in comment#3 and this issue seems fixed. Please correct if I am mistaken

Instead I noticed, double time error printing of "'module' object has no attribute 'ZaqarTempestPlugin'"

Please suggest on this?