Comment 21 for bug 91229

Revision history for this message
Jeff Mitchell (jefferai) wrote : Re: [Bug 91229] Re: [feisty] Amarok doesn't read tags on read-only SMB shares

On Monday 11 February 2008, LucSTP wrote:
> Hello, Don't know if anyone will read this, but here it is.
> I have installed V.1.4.3 and got the same problem and don't know what to
> do.
> Ex. sudo mount -t smbfs //SERVERNAME/SHARE/ -o username=XXXX,password=XXXXX
> also try with sudo mount -t cifs...
> same thing.
> Any idea ?
> Thank's for any help

Probably a taglib issue, not Amarok. Although upgrading to a current Amarok
release couldn't hurt. 1.4.3 is quite old.
