Comment 2 for bug 1073806

Revision history for this message
Jeffrey Paxton (aeiv) wrote :

Same problem here. I am running Arch with XFCE and Thunar. When I try to open a folder like Music or Pictures I get the same error; "No application is registered as handling this file"

[16:37:31.917366 Info] Starting up...
[16:37:32.086771 Info] [UILauncher] Binding activation to <Control>space
[16:37:32.086839 GtkHotkey-Debug] Listener Type: GtkHotkeyX11Listener
Preparing to bind <Control>space
Got accel 32, 4
Got keycode 65
Got modmask 4
[16:37:32.101504 Info] [GuiViewDefault] Screen is composited.
[16:37:32.101701 Info] [GuiViewDefault] Using gtk-im-context-simple input method.
[16:37:32.316215 Critical] file relevancy-backend-zg.c: line 401: uncaught error: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.gnome.zeitgeist.Engine was not provided by any .service files (g-dbus-error-quark, 2)
[16:37:32.316534 Warning] relevancy-backend-zg.vala:119: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.gnome.zeitgeist.Engine was not provided by any .service files
[16:37:32.316595 Warning] relevancy-backend-zg.vala:205: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.gnome.zeitgeist.Engine was not provided by any .service files
[16:37:32.328130 Warning] [DesktopFileInfo] Not Application-type desktop entry
[16:37:32.344928 Warning] [DesktopFileInfo] Unable to create AppInfo
[16:37:32.452850 Warning] [DesktopFileInfo] Unable to create AppInfo
[16:37:32.459424 Warning] [DesktopFileInfo] Unable to create AppInfo
[16:37:32.497746 Warning] [DesktopFileInfo] Not Application-type desktop entry
[16:37:32.505425 Warning] [DesktopFileInfo] Key file contains key 'Hidden' which has a value that cannot be interpreted.
[16:37:32.506037 Warning] [DesktopFileInfo] Unable to create AppInfo
[16:37:32.508373 Warning] [DesktopFileInfo] Unable to create AppInfo
[16:37:32.512553 Warning] [DesktopFileInfo] Unable to create AppInfo
[16:37:32.515845 Warning] [DesktopFileInfo] Unable to create AppInfo
[16:37:36.937072 Warning] No application is registered as handling this file
Got Event! 2, -1
Got KeyPress! keycode: 65, modifiers: 4
Calling handler for '<Control>space'...
Got Event! 3, -1
Got KeyRelease!
[16:42:06.530464 Warning] No application is registered as handling this file