Comment 1 for bug 1843577

Revision history for this message
Tim Burke (1-tim-z) wrote :

I remember that there was a version of the patch that respected X-Forwarded-For, but I was worried about clients adding the header themselves and bypassing the IP restriction. Maybe it'd be ok as an opt-in config option to look at X-Forwarded-For/Forwarded headers, though? If an operator *knows* they only have swift binding to localhost while haproxy/apache/whatever-else has the publicly-accessible port, I suppose it seems safe enough...

What proxy do you have fronting swift? Does it support haproxy's PROXY protocol? I've had pretty good luck with since we introduced it, and the either-or nature of it seems less risky (to me) than looking for a header which either

* isn't present at all,
* is present and was sent by an internal-to-the-cluster load-balancer or such, or
* is present and was sent by a client.