Comment 0 for bug 1675500

Revision history for this message
Pavel Kvasnička (pavel-kvasnicka) wrote :

We use separate drives for account and container servers, one per server. When 2 drives crashed we noticed that used space on all rest account and container DB storages increased 2 times.

Space was consumed slowly - every replication cycle was consumed 1/server_count of space. There was increase from 15% to 30% used space where trends stopped and then increased to 45% when 2 drives were failed. When drive was replaced after few hours, everything returned to normal state.


How to reproduce with SAIO:

  * configure 2 replica with 4 servers or increase container servers count to have drives count >= replicas + 2,

  * create some containers
for c in {1..50} ; do swift -A -U test:tester -K testing post cont$c ; done

  * configure one (or more) container servers to see device as unmounted: set mount_check = true in /etc/swift/container-server/2.conf (check_mount fails on directory that is not mounted device) and restart container server(s),

  * replicate, replicate - every replicator cycle replicates databases of unmounted device into next servers
for n in {1..2} ; do for i in 1 3 4 ; do swift-container-replicator /etc/swift/container-server/$i.conf -o ; done ; done