Comment 0 for bug 1488704

Revision history for this message
clayg (clay-gerrard) wrote :

This is related to the fix for lp bug #1335581

I think eventually the FakeRing behavior got dropped in I8bfc388a04eff6491038991cdfd7686c9d961545

But the comment remains:

    class FakeRing(Ring):

        def __init__(self, replicas=3, max_more_nodes=0, part_power=0,
            :param part_power: make part calculation based on the path

            If you set a part_power when you setup your FakeRing the parts you get
            out of ring methods will actually be based on the path - otherwise we
            exercise the real ring code, but ignore the result and return 1.
            self._base_port = base_port
            self.max_more_nodes = max_more_nodes
            self._part_shift = 32 - part_power
            # 9 total nodes (6 more past the initial 3) is the cap, no matter if
            # this is set higher, or R^2 for R replicas

All that jazz about part power and doing something trixy in _get_parts should be pulled out.