Container level temp URLs can unintentionally leak data.
Affects | Status | Importance | Assigned to | Milestone | |
OpenStack Object Storage (swift) |
Fix Released
Unassigned | ||
Kilo |
Fix Committed
Unassigned | ||
OpenStack Security Advisory |
Fix Released
Tristan Cacqueray |
Bug Description
A user, using a container level temp URL key, can create a PUT temp URL and create a DLO/SLO that references objects in another container, potentially leaking information that was intended to be private.
# Create object in container with secrets
$ curl -i -XPUT -H'x-auth-token: AUTH_tkbfc02e65
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Last-Modified: Mon, 27 Apr 2015 18:34:45 GMT
Content-Length: 0
Etag: 827ccb0eea8a706
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
X-Trans-Id: txdb50279b32684
Date: Mon, 27 Apr 2015 18:34:44 GMT
# Create PUT temp URL, and create DLO pointing to "secret" container.
$ curl -i -XPUT http://
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Last-Modified: Mon, 27 Apr 2015 18:37:08 GMT
Content-Length: 0
Etag: d41d8cd98f00b20
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
X-Trans-Id: txf89037608c7a4
Date: Mon, 27 Apr 2015 18:37:07 GMT
# GET secrets using temp URL
$ curl -i http://
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 5
Accept-Ranges: bytes
X-Object-Manifest: container_b/f
Last-Modified: Mon, 27 Apr 2015 18:37:08 GMT
Etag: "1f32aa4c9a1d2e
X-Timestamp: 1430159827.15679
Content-Type: text/plain
X-Trans-Id: txbfe86e01cdef4
Date: Mon, 27 Apr 2015 18:37:30 GMT
CVE References

Jeremy Stanley (fungi) wrote : | #1 |
description: | updated |
Changed in ossa: | |
status: | New → Incomplete |
description: | updated |
Changed in swift: | |
status: | New → Confirmed |

Christian Schwede (cschwede) wrote : | #2 |
Tested, and I can confirm this bug.
A possible bugfix might be something like this:
- set an internal flag if tempurl middleware validates a request using a container key
- check this flag in the slo/dlo middleware, and if set ensure access is only granted to segments within the same container like the original request
Any other ideas? Does that make sense? I can attach a patch tomorrow if this makes sense to anyone.

Samuel Merritt (torgomatic) wrote : | #3 |
You could probably get a similar effect by having tempurl set a swift.authorize callback that limits you to the appropriate scope (account or container), depending on where the key came from.

clayg (clay-gerrard) wrote : | #4 |
what are the privileges required to set a container tempurl key? If you have to be a swift_owner to set or read a container tempurl key then you already have privileges that you could theoretically elevate to - and this maybe more of a documentation issue. IIRC, account level tempurl keys allow you to grant temporary access to a manifest object regardless of the location of it's segment - so I think there's a strong analogy - and even if you hand out a PUT tempurl, and let someone create a cross-container manifest they'd still need to generate a GET tempurl to read cross container.
If we expect that container tempurl *keys* to be handed out to people that have a more restricted access than that - well that's probably different - object versioning would be the next most likely attack vector.
OTOH, perhaps regardless of the privilege level of the *expected* recipient of the key if the user story is that the attack surface of a tempurl key is reduced by restricting it to the container vs the account we may have to pursue a solution to limit the "pre-authorization" of requests to paths under the pre-authorized container. Perhaps leave a authorization callback in the environment and have it return 401 if the container in the path isn't the container who matched originally matched the tempurl key?
It seems like we need to understand the user expectation first. It may be surprising if you can *make* a tempurl for a segmented object - but can't acctually *use* it because the segments were in a different container? If we give out a tempurl for a PUT to overwrite an object in a versioned container - do we expect using the tempurl to PUT new data to be able to backup the existing object before the overwrite?

Richard Hawkins (richard-hawkins) wrote : | #5 |
> what are the privileges required to set a container tempurl key?
As far as I know, you have to be swift_owner or a sub user with admin privileges to set/read the container level keys.
> If we expect that container tempurl *keys* to be handed out to people that have a more restricted access than that - well that's probably different - object versioning would be the next most likely attack vector.
I personally think container level temp URLs are similar to a ACL on a container. If I were a user, I would assume that if I created a key for a container level temp URL, and gave it out to a user, that they would only have access to read/write to that container. Just as if I had added them to an ACL for a container.
> do we expect using the tempurl to PUT new data to be able to backup the existing object before the overwrite?
Good question. =)
I need to check if a container level temp URL will allow you to set headers on a container. I don't think it does. If that is the case, it might be ok to allow writes to the object versioned container as it would take an account owner or admin to set that header, and a user with that key would not be able to change it. So it might make sense for a account owner to set the object version header for a container they are going to issue a container level key for.
I think I would prefer removing it from the release if possible as I would not want to rush to a solution that we might regret later. But if that is not an option, then I think having container level temp URLs that make requests to other containers 4xx, that would be ok too. At least 4xx would address security concerns, and how to improve it for cross container large objects/object versioning could be addressed at a later time, possibly extending temp URL to allow it.

John Dickinson (notmyname) wrote : | #6 |
container tempurls don't let you set the headers on a container.
DLOs stored in a world-readable container don't work unless the target container also is readable (ie with .listings). Therefore you cannot use a public container to probe other containers.
Carrying that principle through, does that mean this issue needs to be resolved such that if a tempurl for reading a manifest references a different...what? container? A tempurl is for a specific object, so it's not like we can know if the intent is to prevent reading even objects in the same container. The reported issue isn't any different than current behavior with account-level tempurls: a GET tempurl is able to read the full contents of the referenced objects, in the case of *LOs.
It seems reasonable to me that a tempurl to an object, even a *LO, is able to return the full data for that object. The difference from the above example with public objects is that tempurls are temporary, limited tokens. Maybe that's not a reasonable assumption and we need to strictly limit all tempurl requests to *only* the specific object referenced. That would effectively kill tempurl+*LO support, though.
The danger seems to be with the ability for a tempurl that allows PUT to probe the rest of the account for data. (PUTs allow HEADs, even if GETs aren't allowed). So maybe on solution is to simply prevent creating manifests via a tempurl, or at least via container tempurls.
1. Drop container tempurl feature in Kilo
2. Update docs to caution about tempurls that could be used to probe an account
3. Prevent container tempurls from creating *LO objects (ie prevent them from leaving their container)
4. Prevent container tempurls from following *LO objects on read
What do you think? Is it possible to find a solution and implement it in the next 18-24 hours for Kilo? Since it affects account tempurls too[1], maybe this is something that gets patched immediately after kilo (ie not a new issue, even though container-level tempurls are new).
[1] depending on your assumptions about the scope of account-level vs container-level tempurls

Christian Schwede (cschwede) wrote : | #7 |
The following works for me:
- an account owner "test:tester" creates a container "secret" with some data in it
- the account owner creates another container "other" and sets a container temp url key on it and a r/w ACL for user test:tester3
Now user test:tester3 can create a DLO in container "other" and uses a tempurl to access the data in container "secret". Of course the object names need to be known in advance to access them.
I think this is not wanted. To me the best option seems to be to check if the used *container* temp url key is in the same container like the *SLO. This wouldn't change existing behavior for account container keys.

Christian Schwede (cschwede) wrote : | #8 |
- tempurl_fix.patch Edit (5.6 KiB, text/plain)
I attached a possible patch for DLO requests including updated unittests.
Let me know if this approach looks feasible, I would continue with SLO then.
We should also check if versioned objects as well as COPY requests are affected too.

Christian Schwede (cschwede) wrote : | #9 |

Samuel Merritt (torgomatic) wrote : | #10 |
Note: you can't (currently) do this with SLOs since tempurl helpfully (yuck) strips off any query params other than temp_url_sig and temp_url_expires.

David Goetz (david-goetz) wrote : | #11 |
I think the idea of restricting temp url requests from only hitting that single container is workable but is not a great solution. I think forcing every middleware that does sub requests to do:
if allowed_container and container != allowed_container:
+ return HTTPUnauthorize
is asking for problems imo. We have to add this to DLOs, SLOs, versioning, etc. My problem with the container lvl tempurls is that it provides anonymous access to objects. This doesn't jive all that well with container ACLs that are completely based on who is making the call. I'd want a pretty good reason to change this model and I don't know if container level tempurls (while a neat idea) is worth it. I'd much rather pull it from the release and figure out a better way than forcing something in quickly and regretting it later.

Alistair Coles (alistair-coles) wrote : | #12 |
I'm so far failing to see how the vulnerability is limited to container level tempurl. Seems like if I have a tempurl to PUT to /a/c/o then I can PUT a manifest that points to a target /a/c_other/o_other and then HEAD the target. From staring at code it seems to me that works regardless of who generated the tempurl and using which keys.
*If* that is case I then reverting the container level tempurl feature would only serve to reveal the vulnerability with account level tempurl, and not really fix anything. So I'd advocate no revert and working on a fix to the problem across account and container level.
If I'm wrong and this vulnerability only exists with container level urls then I'm inclined to agree that rushing into a quick fix for kilo might be a mistake vs reverting the change.

Richard Hawkins (richard-hawkins) wrote : | #13 |
I think it is limited to container level as, if you have an account temp URL key, and you have a DLO/SLO, you could just generate a temp URL for each segment of the DLO/SLO and get the data that way.
With a container level temp URL, your container key would be no good to generate a temp URL for an object in a different container, unless that key was also set on that other container.

Samuel Merritt (torgomatic) wrote : | #14 |
I think reverting the feature until we figure this out is a good way to go. If we have to cut a release tomorrow, I'd rather not wedge something in there, and I don't think we'll figure this out in time.

clayg (clay-gerrard) wrote : | #15 |
What about if we just make PUT tempurls not work for creating a *LO manifest? Might break some people - but I don't really know for what use-case? We could even make it a "enable thing that's probably a bad idea" option with default of False?

paul luse (paul-e-luse) wrote : | #16 |
Reading through all of this, and not having gone through all of the relevant code yet, my 2 cents is worth, well whatever, but it seems like we ought to revert and, as Sam states, work on a more well thought out solution for a near term follow on release. Releasing Kilo with a quick-attempt-fix for a security issue doesn't feel right.

Jeremy Stanley (fungi) wrote : | #17 |
For what it's worth, if this is new in Kilo and the decision is to leave it in the release, then we may need to continue working out the fix in private and issue a security advisory once it's done. On the other hand if it's reverted now and punted to Liberty development then there's no need for further embargo or any advisory.

John Dickinson (notmyname) wrote : | #18 |
After further discussion (in IRC), this will be treated as any security issue and there will not be a revert or patch for kilo (swift 2.3.0) before the release.
This issue has a few interesting points:
1) tempurls which allow PUT also allow HEAD.
2) tempurls follow manifests to return the entire object, regardless of where the segments are or permissions on their container
3) because of 1 and 2, a user with a tempurl can create a DLO and then probe the rest of the account for other objects. This is true no matter the key used to generate the tempurl
4) container keys are meant to be shared with subusers so that the subuser can pass out container-scoped tempurls. The subuser would have an indentity (ie token) to access the container.
5) Because of 1, 2, and 4 subusers can probe for objects in the account. ie the tempurl crosses the container boundary.
The solution has a few points:
1) Prevent tempurl PUTs from writing DLOs (by returning an error if x-object-manifest header is on the request).
2) The tempurl should tract the scope of the signed url (ie account and container) so that it cannot cross boundaries. In other words, the subrequests generated eg to fetch DLO segments should be authorized according to the original tempurl (not with a blanket "allow" authorize() callback).

Matthew Oliver (matt-0) wrote : | #19 |
If your going to give out a PUT tempurl then your trusting someone to put stuff. But I guess there are different levels of _trust_.
I see that DLO's are an issue in this case, (someone could attempt to probe the account) and so if we go with blocking a PUT request from the tempurl middleware when X-Object-Manifiest headers exists will stop that. Noting we want a tempurl GET to support DLO as that is a valid use case.
If we are going to filter on X-Object-Manifest in tempurl PUT, do we need to think about x-versions-location as well (which I guess isn't a problem until someone has PUT and DELETE tempurls)... However, will this start making TempURL middleware more coupled with others? I guess if we can find a good way to limit the scope tempurl's have access to will solve this.

Richard Hawkins (richard-hawkins) wrote : | #20 |
There are different levels of trust, but I think what is at issue here is the account owner's expectation of what a user can do with a temp url he gives out. To me, the issue revolves around users being able to use these things to get information that is not obvious to the account owner. If it is obvious, then the feature might become useless as it is trivial to gain access to objects that you should not have access to or to probe for the existence of objects.
I don't see an issue with x-versions-

Matthew Oliver (matt-0) wrote : | #21 |
ahh, good call Richard. (X-Versions-

Samuel Merritt (torgomatic) wrote : | #22 |
- container-tempurl-scoping.diff Edit (82.1 KiB, text/plain)
Here's a potential patch. It looks large, but it's mostly unit-test fallout.
It's the output of `git show` on a local branch of mine, so it's got a commit comment that goes into a fair amount of detail.

clayg (clay-gerrard) wrote : | #23 |
so I think the mostly unit-test fallout is going to be an issue for back-porting. The commit message is great, but it doesn't really go into detail about why moving the env cache to the subdir was required.
I think I understand now that in creating a copy of the subrequest before sending it down into the app the cached values weren't getting set on the req that originally came *into* the app - which caused some things to go south because of how crazy all that env caching get_info stuff is. Probably should be fixed - but not 100% sure it needs to be part of this fix and backport? Honestly the whole copy trick seems like a lot of effort to go through to avoid the swift.authorize pop? Why can't we just do like what we do with cross-account-copy requests and just leave the authorize callback in place?
^ this mostly just steals sam's hardwork and tries to avoid the info cache change that caused all the test fallout.
Also I'm not 100% sure on the precedence of container and account tempurl keys? Maybe it was pre-existing but I don't think it had the same effect. Now if a tempurl matches the container key it'll get scoped - but if that key happens to collide with the account my cross container segment object downloads don't authorize - and there's nothing really to tell me whats going on? Would it be better to scope to the larger matching scope?
Also, I think we need functests to cover this issue.
Also, isn't there a separate issue with handing out a PUT tempurl that we need to address with stripping manifest headers - or did I miss where we decided that's a non-issue?

Samuel Merritt (torgomatic) wrote : | #24 |
Going in no particular order:
If an account and container share a key, then the bigger scope should apply. That'll cause the minimum confusion. I'll fix it.
I will also put more words about the swift.infocache thing in the commit message.
I will attempt to write a functional test as well.
We don't need to strip anything on tempurl PUT. Now that the authorize callback isn't getting stepped on, you can't use a container tempurl to GET a manifest with segments in another container, so there's no problem letting the user make one.
I'd like to, someday, make all that get_info stuff a little more sane. The fact that it relies on this key existing in the response's environment dictionary to get account or container info is pretty damn strange, and it causes all sorts of problems if you ever want to use a modified response without changing what the caller sent you. This fix makes it a little better in that you can shallow-copy the WSGI environment without breaking get_info()'s caching and basic functionality. The real fix is probably to make get_info() look at the response headers for account/container info instead of grubbing around in the response environment.
I'm not a fan of adding to the COPY-check for a couple reasons. First, swift.authorize
Besides, moving all that stuff to swift.infocache can help out the cacheability of stuff. Right now, if a middleware makes a subrequest and shallow-copies the environment to do so, any get_*_info done on that subrequest doesn't get cached later since it only appears in the copied env. By moving all that stuff into swift.infocache, the get_*_info calls will get their results cached.

Samuel Merritt (torgomatic) wrote : | #25 |
- tempurl-torgomatic-patch2.diff Edit (86.4 KiB, text/plain)
This one includes a better explanation in the commit comment, a pair of functional tests for DLO + container tempurl, and a test that account-scope beats container-scope when they share a key (turns out that was already the case, but still good to test for).

Jeremy Stanley (fungi) wrote : | #26 |
Here's a first take at an impact description for this. I've almost certainly got some of the details and terminology wrong, so please correct me. It looks from the latest updates like any potential to exploit account tempurls in a similar fashion has been discounted, and so this is a kilo (2.3.0) only vulnerability since container tempurls were implemented after Juno/2.2.0 (and also after the 2.2.2 interim release)...
Title: Information leak via Swift container tempurls
Reporter: Richard Hawkins from Rackspace
Products: Swift
Affects: 2.3.0
Richard Hawkins from Rackspace reported a vulnerability in Swift container-scoped tempurls. When in possession of a tempurl generated using a key on a Swift container, a malicious actor may retrieve objects within any other container for the same tenant environment.

Richard Hawkins (richard-hawkins) wrote : | #27 |
Hi Jeremy,
I think in addition, the discussions that resulted in me reporting this bug exposed a second vulnerability with account level temp URLs that has been around for a while.
Where someone with a account level PUT temp URL could potentially probe for existing objects by created DLO that references other containers/objects and HEADING the DLO created. If they had a pair of account level PUT/GET temp URLs, could additionally retrieve data from any object found.
I am not sure who first figured it out, but Sam Merritt was I think the first person to explain it such that I understood this aspect of it.
Changed in ossa: | |
status: | Incomplete → Confirmed |

Jeremy Stanley (fungi) wrote : | #28 |
Richard: Thanks. I guess I'm just confused where Samuel's commit message says "A similar bug would exist for manifests referencing other accounts except that neither the X-Object-Manifest (DLO) nor the JSON manifest document (SLO) have a way of specifying a different account." I took this to mean that only container tempurls are at issue and account tempurls are not, but it may be that my shallow understanding of the topic is biting me here.
If account tempurls are in fact also a problem, as previously discussed, then this sounds like it also affects versions through 1.13.1 (Icehouse), and 2.0.0 through 2.2.0 (Juno), as well as 2.2.1 through 2.3.0 (Kilo). If so, I think the impact description would look more like...
Title: Information leak via Swift tempurls
Reporter: Richard Hawkins from Rackspace
Products: Swift
Affects: versions through 1.13.1, 2.0.0 through 2.2.0, 2.2.1 through 2.3.0
Richard Hawkins from Rackspace reported a vulnerability in Swift tempurls. When in possession of a tempurl generated using a key on a Swift container or account, a malicious actor may retrieve objects within any other container for the same tenant environment.

Samuel Merritt (torgomatic) wrote : | #29 |
Jeremy: you are correct; container tempurls have a problem, but account-level do not.

Jeremy Stanley (fungi) wrote : | #30 |
Thanks Samuel! In that case, soliciting further comments on my original impact description from comment #26... is what's there correct? Any additional details we should include with the private CVE request?

Samuel Merritt (torgomatic) wrote : | #31 |
You need more than one tempurl to actually retrieve objects. Maybe this?
Richard Hawkins from Rackspace reported a vulnerability in Swift container-scoped tempurls. When in possession of a tempurl key for a Swift container, a malicious actor may retrieve objects within any other container for the same Swift account (tenant) environment.
There are two related ways to exploit this:
The first way: given a tempurl for an object generated using a key on that object's container, one can PUT a manifest (i.e. object with X-Object-Manifest) to that URL, then HEAD the new object and, by observing the Etag and Content-Length contained within the HEAD response, learn whether an object starting with the given prefix exists.
For example, given two containers "red" and "blue" and a PUT tempurl for /v1/a/red/manifest, one can PUT /v1/a/red/manifest with header "X-Object-Manifest: /blue/abcd". A subsequent HEAD request for /v1/a/red/manifest will receive a response with an Etag and a Content-Length; the Etag is the MD5 hash of the Etags of all objects matching /v1/a/blue/abcd*, and the Content-Length is the sum of their lengths. If the Etag is "d41d8cd98f00b2
The second way: given a tempurl *key* for a container, you can construct a PUT tempurl and a GET tempurl for the same object. Then, using the same procedure as above, discover the name of an object in the "blue" container. Then, PUT a manifest with "X-Object-Manifest: /blue/other-
Both these exploits rely on large-object GET requests being able to examine segments outside the manifest's container even though the request was signed with a container-level tempurl key.

clayg (clay-gerrard) wrote : | #32 |
Jeremy, Richard, Sam
Would anyone be against opening a separate security issue for the older "account level PUT temp-url allows probing for object existence via DLO's" issue?
I have a functest that will demonstrate the issue - we could try the remove headers trick and decide if that's how we want to address it - I don't think it will effect this patch except that it will only work with account-level temp-url keys once we approve this change.

Richard Hawkins (richard-hawkins) wrote : | #33 |
Clay: I would not be against it. Being able to probe and possibly retrieve data, even if it is only with an account level temp URL, kinda scares me.

Jeremy Stanley (fungi) wrote : | #34 |
Samuel: Thanks for the additional details. As far as the CVE request goes, we simply need enough detail to reasonably differentiate this vulnerability from similar potential vulnerabilities which might be discovered in Swift over a relatively short period of time (say a year, as CVEs are year-scoped based on their discovery dates). For a deeper dive into more specific facets of the vulnerability the eventual security advisory will link to the bug and the patch(es) fixing it, so we don't need to get particularly verbose in the impact description as long as the risks and any _commonly_

Jeremy Stanley (fungi) wrote : | #35 |
Clay: If we open an additional bug for a related issue, unless it's disclosed before or at the same time as this one, the publication of this bug will lay that one bare. We would either want a simultaneous publication/

clayg (clay-gerrard) wrote : | #36 |
Jeremy: OK, well I like the idea mainly because the dlo-manifest-
If we can co-ordinate the disclosure date for both it seems manageable. You said you're not against it right?
Unless someone beats me to it - or argues against it - I'll make a separate private security bug for the use dlo-manifest-
But I sorta wondering, if you can't PUT SLO manifests with tempurls (because of the questionable query-arg stripping) and we decide to strip DLO headers on PUT tempurls to address the account-tempurl issue - does the container scoping issue close itself - or are we still worried about a compromised app that has write access to a container and the ability to create pre-authed GET requests with a container-temp-url key creating a manifest they wouldn't normally authorize to cross-container read? Still seems like a reasonable vector to close with tempurl scoping...
Although we need to make sure we have good docs describing the limitations of container-tempurls and segmented objects - since I think we fully plan to support account-tempurls for manifests whose segments are in another container and we're explicitly deciding that if you have a valid cross-container SLO in a container and you try to create a container-tempurl for it - it doesn't work - on purpose.
FWIW, I think sam's patch is fine, the functests look good, I think sending a copy of the request with the swift.authorized popped into the app preserves existing behavior and expectations pretty well. I was worried about backports of the test fallout from that patch - but since we'd only backport it to Kilo I think it's fine - +2.
However, I still feel like it's conflating all of our grief with the get_info caching and this security issue - which I'm sure we want to be as surgical of a fix as possible. I'm ok with going the route sam has suggested (+2), but still wondering if there might be something we like better for this fix... asides from the "don't pop authorize if it's a override authorize" trick I already suggested - another way to fake out the authorize pop would be to have the scoped authorized callbacks return an 403 unless the acls have been populated on the request so you make sure you're responding None to the delay denial callback and the not the early check. Or only pop authorized if swift.owner has been populated into the environment would work, since the whole pop trick is just an optimization anyway. OTOH, both of those are hacks, not modifying the request that was handed into the app seems like a reasonable and desireable behavior. Using a copy of the request to pull the authorize callback out of seems like a reasonable way to do that (don't modify the original request) but also still support the weird double auth check delay denial thing where we call authorize twice, ignore the denied response, but on None try to avoid calling authorize again after acl's have been fetched since the author...

Richard Hawkins (richard-hawkins) wrote : | #37 |
Sam: Sorry it took so long.
The only thing I found was really minor, and probably not worth holding back the patch since it's only a doc string and could be improved at a later time. So I will give my +1 for the patch, but maybe consider the following:
In swift/common/
I think the example return value for _get_keys was a little confusing due to missing ')' for *-Key-2 examples.
~ 471 :returns: [
~ 472 (X-Account-
~ 473 (X-Account-
+ 474 (X-Container-
+ 475 (X-Container-
+ 476 ]
Something like the following might be a little clearer IMO:
~ 471 :returns: List of tuples for each key set. Where the tuple
~ 472 consists of the str value of *-Meta-Temp-Url-Key and
~ 473 the scope of the key.
+ 474 Example: [
+ 475 (X-Account-
+ 476 (X-Account-
+ 477 (X-Container-
+ 478 (X-Container-
+ 479 ]
Changed in ossa: | |
importance: | Undecided → Medium |

Tristan Cacqueray (tristan-cacqueray) wrote : | #38 |
Hi, so trying to understand the issue here:
A/ Since Kilo, container temp url allows probing and reading other containers' objects within the same account,
B/ Since at least Icehouse, account temp url allows probing and reading containers' objects within different accounts.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the underlying issue seems identical (lack of check for temp url), and thus we better issue a single advisory (that could cover two bugs reports and different patch sets).
Some questions:
Comment #31 suggests the exploit needs more than one temp url. Is this for the account temp url issue ?
The current proposed fix in comment #25 only fix the container temp url and does not require a backport right ?
So what we are missing here to move forward is a fix for account temp url to be backported up to icehouse.

Jeremy Stanley (fungi) wrote : | #39 |
Tristan: Thanks, I'm still similarly confused. Samuel's commit message on the attachment in comment #25 and reply in comment #29 indicate that account tempurls are not vulnerable, but Clay's and Richard's subsequent replies seem to contradict that.

clayg (clay-gerrard) wrote : | #40 |
Jeremy and Tristan,
As Richard has pointed out the we definitely need to backport a fix for PUT tempurls (which we don't yet have, but probably looks a lot like "break all clients who are trying to create DLO's via PUT tempurl").
I opened lp bug #1453948

Matthew Oliver (matt-0) wrote : | #41 |
I think I've spotted a bug in your func tests.. but am about to step into a meeting. Once out I'll just double check to make sure and then post a follow up patch.

Matthew Oliver (matt-0) wrote : | #42 |
- Sam's patch with a fixed func test. Edit (82.7 KiB, text/plain)
Here is an updated version of Sam's patch, except with the test_GET_
+ seg1 = self.env.
+ "get-dlo-
+ seg2 = self.env.
+ "get-dlo-
+ seg1.write("one fish two fish ")
+ seg2.write("red fish blue fish")
+ container2 = self.env.
+ manifest = container2.
+ manifest.write(
+ '',
+ hdrs={"
+ (self.env.

Tristan Cacqueray (tristan-cacqueray) wrote : | #43 |
So what is the current proposed fix for this bug ?
Is the impact description proposed in comment #31 correct ?
Is there a plan for bug 1453948 ? Or will it be only fixed in master ?

Christian Schwede (cschwede) wrote : | #44 |
@Tristan: Sams patch #25 with the change from Matthew in #42 looks good to me.
The impact description in comment #31 is correct, however the last but one paragraph is identical with bug 1453948 (and might be removed if two separate OSSAs are going to be published).

Jeremy Stanley (fungi) wrote : | #45 |
The impact description in comment #31 is far, far too much detail. We need something around the brevity of my impact description in comment #26 to disambiguate this report from any similar bugs which might be reported within the same calendar year, and to act as a general signal to less technically savvy downstream consumers sufficiently answering the question "do I need to apply this patch on my systems?" Additional technical detail can be summarized within the bug if necessary.

Jeremy Stanley (fungi) wrote : | #46 |
Oh, I think I'm misreading comment #31 as implying that the paragraphs after the ---- should be part of the impact description. Sorry, the part above the ---- looks like a fine impact description to me too.

John Dickinson (notmyname) wrote : | #47 |
Tristan, this bug and https:/

John Dickinson (notmyname) wrote : | #48 |
bad paste, sorry.
Tristan, this bug and https:/

clayg (clay-gerrard) wrote : | #49 |
I tried to rebase this on top of the fix I attached to lp bug #1453948 - but it looks like a couple of new tests assume it's safe to create DLO's via PUT tempurls (and then it validates you can't download them)
ERROR: test_GET_
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/vagrant/
File "/vagrant/
ResponseError: 404: 'Not Found' ('PUT' '/v1/AUTH_
ERROR: test_GET_
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/vagrant/
File "/vagrant/
ResponseError: 404: 'Not Found' ('PUT' '/v1/AUTH_

Tristan Cacqueray (tristan-cacqueray) wrote : | #50 |
Adding ossg-coresec to both bugs in order to discuss if these bugs should be kept private.

clayg (clay-gerrard) wrote : | #51 |
Why wouldn't they be kept private?
Can I get some feedback on the patch attached to lp bug #1453948
If that looks good I can work on the rebase of sam & matts patch here over that - plus backports all around.
I think we should nail down the other fix first tho since it backports further.

Tristan Cacqueray (tristan-cacqueray) wrote : | #52 |
Clay, having these bugs public would in theory get more reviewer on-board and a faster process (gerrit and gate testing).
It have been two months already and the exploitation of these issues seem to require a fair amount of social engineering, so unless there is something we missed, the impact is rather moderate.

Robert Clark (robert-clark) wrote : | #53 |
Although moving slowly, the issue clearly has the attention of developers from Swift. I'm not convinced that opening this up would progress the issue any faster but it may put existing deployments at risk.
To that end, I suggest this remains closed.
@Swift Developers - what, if anything, can we (Security or VMT) do to help progress this?

Jeremy Stanley (fungi) wrote : | #54 |
I was more looking for feedback from vmt-coresec on whether this bug describes a viable, real-world exploit based on typical use cases, or whether it's a corner case relying on unusual trust boundaries and social engineering to achieve any actual compromise.
I'm mostly just trying to gauge relative severity since we're trying, within the VMT, to start pushing lower-severity vulnerability reports into the open. Keeping vulnerabilities under embargo for long periods of time is harmful both in terms of the amount of effort expended by parties involved (compared to availability of more efficient public-facing workflows), but also insofar as users of features impacted by this vulnerability don't currently know they should avoid doing so. The default stance of "keep every security vulnerability secret until it's fixed no matter how trivial" is a bad habit of which we're attempting to break ourselves going forward.

Jeremy Stanley (fungi) wrote : | #55 |
Sorry, I meant "ossg-coresec" where I said "vmt-coresec" there.
Changed in swift: | |
importance: | Undecided → Critical |

clayg (clay-gerrard) wrote : | #56 |
- disable-get-container-tempurl-cross-container.patch Edit (91.4 KiB, text/plain)
So I'm still not entirely happy with all the get_*_info changes needed to support this fix, but only because I think test test cleanup distracts from the important change of fixing the authorize callback. I definitely approve of this improvement to the environ caching, and I think i'll be much easier on us down the road - so maybe now is as good a time to fix it as any.
To reiterate the other dirty hacks that I've suggested (as opposed to using sam's *fix*) were:
a) make the tempurl callback return 401 until container acls are in place - coupling with existing behavior to indirectly prevent the authorize callback pop
b) hijack the `swift.
c) start to fix environ caching to not rely on the proxy server setting the cache in the get_*_info() request environ, and instead use the response directly *
* N.B. I think using the get_*_info() response directly (instead of it's requests' environ) to fill in the original requests env cache is actually the correct fix - but when I started down this road the test fall out was about the same as the info_cache trick (it was starting to look a little worse actually). I found a hack that starts down the path without fully commiting to removing the request environ caching junk that I thought was ok. I'll attach that one separately.

clayg (clay-gerrard) wrote : | #57 |
- disable-get-container-tempurl-cross-container-2.patch Edit (31.5 KiB, text/plain)
This one should be a little shorter, it's the cleanest hack I could come up with - but honestly the smallest possible diff may be a misguided goal since we're not going to need backport this beyond Kilo.

Matthew Oliver (matt-0) wrote : | #58 |
Clay, I can't apply your patches to master, is there a commit ID I can checkout to apply these patches to for testing?
It looks good as a patch in theory but want to play around with it. So this should make the 'swift.authorize' when run in the proxy to give us a 401 when trying to access if a different container/account right? We seem to wrap the GET and PUT methods of 'swift/
But testing will simply check this :)
I'm continuing my playing, just wanted to update the bug with my 2 cents.

Matthew Oliver (matt-0) wrote : | #59 |
Lol, ignore that, swift.autherize stuff, I just fail at reading/grepping.. (AKA I'm an idiot). Turns out when doing a search inside of vim, use the US spelling of authorize (not authorise) inside the proxy controllers.

Christian Schwede (cschwede) wrote : | #60 |
- disable-get-container-tempurl-cross-container-3.patch Edit (31.3 KiB, text/plain)
Attached is a rebased version of Clays patch. Applies without a warning on current master (commit 5b24b22).
Currently testing patch.

Christian Schwede (cschwede) wrote : | #61 |
Looks like the patch is still allowing to abuse DLO+container tempurl, for example using the following simple script:
echo 12345 > foo.txt
swift upload victim-container foo.txt
swift post -m "temp-url-key: secret" compromised-
curl -i -X PUT http://
curl -i http://
Or did I get it wrong?

Matthew Oliver (matt-0) wrote : | #62 |
Thanks for that Christian (rebase),
Hmm it looks like what your doing is right. The patch should be setting the swift.authorize to fail if accessing the other container, unless something else if overwriting swift.authorize later in the pipeline.
I'll have a play and see if it fails for me.

Alistair Coles (alistair-coles) wrote : | #63 |
- acoles-combined-tempurl-xlo-fixes.diff Edit (31.8 KiB, text/plain)
Did you include the patch from here https:/
I took Christian's patch at #60, manually merged https:/
curl -i -X PUT http://
is disallowed with 400
My combined diff wrt master is attached FYI

Matthew Oliver (matt-0) wrote : | #64 |
I'm getting the same result as you Christian, interestingly the swift.authorze method isn't being overriden so that's good.. but the result is None, so the container check isn't returning a 401 like we suspect.
Here's some sanitised q() output:
handle_request: id(req.
handle_request: id(req.
handle_request: id(req.
__call__: id(env[
handle_request: id(req.
__call__: id(env[
handle_request: id(req.
handle_request: resp=None
NOTE: The function ID stays the same, and the response to the swift.authorize is None
I'm going to look into it further.

Matthew Oliver (matt-0) wrote : | #65 |
OK so it seems the swift.authorize method is only being called once, when a subrequest is issued there is no swift.authorize. In fact during debugging directly before https:/
If I do something like:
swift_authorize = req.environ.
resp_iter = self._app_
Then it's fixed.. that's as far as I've got, but its midnight here and I need to get up for the meeting early in the morning, so someone can take off from where I left it. By either seeing why its removed from 'self._app_call()', butting my hack in, or placing it somewhere better.

Christian Schwede (cschwede) wrote : | #66 |
- Edit (827 bytes, text/x-sh)
@Alistair: yes, with that patch applied my test above doesn't work anymore, because putting a DLO with tempurl fails with "The header 'X-Object-Manifest' is not allowed in this tempurl".
However, any existing DLO is still able to read the data. As a user with write permission and knowledge of the container tempurl key I could simply create a new DLO, still reading data in other containers I don't have access to.
Proof of concept attached, succeeding on a clean SAIO environment with both patches applied.

Alistair Coles (alistair-coles) wrote : | #67 |
- acoles-tempurl-dlo-functest-mod.patch Edit (26.8 KiB, text/plain)
@Matt the proxy app removes swift.authorize from env line 398 swift/proxy/
- for a manifest get from a container tempurl, the first call to swift.authorize is for the manifest which *is* in the nontainer scope, so authorize_
There is a big in the functional test for this scenario (I think, its late and this is complicated for my small brain!), I will attach a patch which leaves the test test.functional
Patch is against master and based on Christian's rebase onto master in #60 with a change to the func test to reveal a failure case.

Alistair Coles (alistair-coles) wrote : | #68 |
First, in comment #67, s/big/bug/ !
Couple of other comments:
1. TestContainerTe
2. I have a nagging concern about auth_callback_
def authorize_
def auth_callback_
_ver, acc, con, _rest = req.split_path(3, 4, True)
except ValueError:
return None
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ is it relly safe to auth a request when split.path fails??
if acc == account_to_match and con == container_to_match:
return None
return HTTPUnauthorize
return auth_callback_

Samuel Merritt (torgomatic) wrote : | #69 |
- clays-56-with-fixes.diff Edit (27.1 KiB, text/plain)
I think the patch in comment #56 is broken. Here's how I tested this stuff:
Test Step 1: saio$ resetswift; startmain
Test Step 2: client$ swift upload victim setup.cfg AUTHORS # from Swift source tree; any old crap will do
Test Step 3: client$ swift post hacked -m "temp-url-
Test Step 4: curl "http://
Test Step 5: client$ swift post -m "temp-url-
Test Step 6: curl "http://
Base commit: 5b24b22
With no patch, Test Step 4 received a 200 response with a body that was the concatenation of setup.cfg and
With the patch from comment #56 applied, Test Step 4 received a 200 response with a body that was the concatenation of setup.cfg and I was expecting a 400-series error.
Upon inspection, the patch from comment #56 was missing the code to copy the environment before removing swift.authorize (swift.
The attached patch here is Clay's patch from comment #56, plus the aforementioned two lines of code. I still get unit test failures with this, though.

clayg (clay-gerrard) wrote : | #70 |
Hrm... maybe having two bugs open wasn't such a great idea. Also maybe this is why smaller changes are better?
So what we *need* is to be able to take some Kilo+ sha, and Al's latest patch from lp bug #1453948 + some patch here that closes all of our issues (#1 PUT tempurl can not create a DLO; #2 cross container DLO 401's with container tempurl).
I found
+ req = Request(
in patch number #56 - but it seems like everyone else is building on the hack in #57 that doesn't do sam's info_cache thing (i.e. #60, #67 and #69) and instead just calls that _set_info method again - but was mysteriously missing the environ.copy() line in my original version (i blame a git fail on my part)?
So, if everyone is cool with that general idea of patch #57 - i'll try to wade through the follow on patches and post here with what we need.

Samuel Merritt (torgomatic) wrote : | #71 |
I like the infocache thing. Really, the part I like about it is the part where the proxy doesn't mutate the passed-in environment, but takes a copy and mangles *that* instead.
Any time we have a middleware that makes more than one request (DLO, SLO, bulk, versions, symlinks...), we end up with these crappy bugs where the middleware makes a request using some environment, the proxy or a later middleware scribbles all over it, and then our middleware reuses that environment and things blow up. That's what happened here, right?
A) tempurl put swift.authorize in the environment and called the rest of the chain
B) the proxy called swift.authorize and then mutated the environment to remove it, which is okay because nobody else is ever going to re-use this environment for anything ever again /s
C) dlo saw the response was for a manifest and so it made a new environment based on the current environment to go fetch segments
D) the proxy got another request without swift.authorize in it (since the proxy wiped it out in step B) and let the request proceed
E) lots of people spent time typing up 70+ comments on this Launchpad bug
We can either work around this bit of request mutation to fix this specific bug and leave a land mine for ourselves to step on next time, or we can get rid of it now. I'd rather get rid of it now.
Moving all that cache into swift.infocache also makes it easier to eliminate future request-environment mutations as we find them. It lets you make a shallow copy of the environment to mutate, thus saving your caller from you, while still ensuring we don't get the same info from memcache or account/container servers twice. It's taking all that hazardous mutable stuff and sticking it in its own little box, separate from the rest of our unchanging request state.

Samuel Merritt (torgomatic) wrote : | #72 |
- tempurl-torgomatic-patch3.diff Edit (87.9 KiB, text/plain)
This is a rebase of the patch from comment #42. I believe it still solves the problem of DLO GET or HEAD requests being able to escape their container, and I believe it still does not address the creation of DLO manifests via tempurl PUT (that's a separate LP bug, though if people want to merge them, fine by me).

clayg (clay-gerrard) wrote : | #73 |
So there was a number of improvements to the tests from patch #42 to #56 - which seems lost in #72. Plus #72 is *not* based on the already approved and back-ported patch in lp bug #1453948.
I discussed this with Sam and he seems sufficiently agitated that he's just going to fix everything.

Alistair Coles (alistair-coles) wrote : | #74 |
- container-tempurl.patch Edit (30.7 KiB, text/plain)
I had a stab at an alternative approach to avoid making any changes to the info caching (not saying they aren't good changes to make, but this avoids making them in this security bug fix). I'm not against the info cache/env copying stuff, I was just trying to find a way to a smaller diff to fix the current bug!
In the attached patch I have tempurl instruct the proxy server to NOT delete 'swift.authorize'. Then have the same scoped callbacks as proposed on previous patches on this thread. That removes the need to copy the request env before popping swift.authorize, cos it never gets popped with tempurl.
The attached patch is based on Clay's patch at #15 on https:/
(Another approach which works is to have the tempurl authorize callbacks return not-None on first call (from proxy) then behave normally for subsequent calls. That works because tempurl only targets objects and all object controller methods implement delay_denial. But I ditched that approach as it depends on the delay_denial properties not changing below tempurl.)

Samuel Merritt (torgomatic) wrote : | #75 |
- tempurl-torgomatic-patch4.diff Edit (34.7 KiB, text/plain)
Here's Clay's patch from #57 but with the unit tests passing.
There were a few things I had to do to make that work: first, make_pre_
Second, I had to hack around account GET and HEAD requests when (a) account autocreate is on, and (b) the account does not actually exist. In this case, the proxy caches a 404 result down in GETorHEAD_base. However, it then returns a 200 or 204 with an empty listing. Thus, if environment identity is not preserved, get_info() sees a 2xx response and caches it, which breaks a bunch of tests. I hacked around it with some made-up header; better suggestions welcome.
Third and ugliest, I commented out one unit test (last line of test.unit.

Christian Schwede (cschwede) wrote : | #76 |
Both patches (Sams & Alistairs, #75 and #74) work for me and the outcome is as expected.
I currently tend to favor Sams patch slightly, but basically I'm fine with both - thus 2 times +2.

Samuel Merritt (torgomatic) wrote : | #77 |
Alright, here's another take on it. The problem is the proxy takes swift.authorize out of the environment. We had a patch to make the environment immutable, but that was a huge change. Then we had one where middlewares could tell the proxy to leave authorize alone, but that's pretty hacky. This one is even simpler: the proxy puts swift.authorize back. Stuff in the proxy that relies on swift.authorize being gone still see it as gone, but middlewares don't have their environment changed up when they make subrequests.

Samuel Merritt (torgomatic) wrote : | #78 |
- tempurl-torgomatic-patch5.diff Edit (28.3 KiB, text/plain)
Let's try actually adding the patch, hey?

Samuel Merritt (torgomatic) wrote : | #79 |
- tempurl-torgomatic-patch5.diff Edit (28.3 KiB, text/plain)
Let's try actually adding the patch, hey?

Samuel Merritt (torgomatic) wrote : | #80 |
And here we have the legendary DOUBLE DOUBLE POST POST! Thank you, Launchpad, for the opportunity to see this beast in the wild.

Samuel Merritt (torgomatic) wrote : | #81 |
- tempurl-torgomatic-patch6.diff Edit (31.6 KiB, text/plain)
Here's a properly-formatted one. It's the same as the one in #79 but with a real commit comment.
I stuck everybody who posted any patch here in the Co-Authored-By lines. With this crapass non-threaded discussion forum, I can't keep track of what happened where. (Come on; *email* has threading and Launchpad doesn't? Talk about stone knives and bearskins.)

Samuel Merritt (torgomatic) wrote : | #82 |
- tempurl-torgomatic-patch7.diff Edit (29.4 KiB, text/plain)
This is patch #81 with extraneous stuff removed and Alistair's fixes to the functional tests.

Alistair Coles (alistair-coles) wrote : | #83 |
- tempurl-acoles-patch8.diff Edit (29.2 KiB, text/plain)
Sam's patch at #82 LGTM
Sam, Clay and 1 did discuss two possible changes:
1. in the "authorized" boolean is redundant, could just test the value of "old_authorize".
2. in, have the new scoped authorize callback methods raise HTTPUnauthorized if the split_path calls ever raise a ValueError (at the moment None is returned which means a request would be auth'd. I can't think of when a request would have no object part and it would matter, but paranoia suggests err'ing on the side of denial if split_path fails).
I made those two changes in attached patch which applies to master using git am. On my SAIO this passes unit, pep8, functional and probe tests.

clayg (clay-gerrard) wrote : | #84 |
@acoles patch doesn't apply cleanly with `git am` because it was formatted with `git show`
So I started with a fresh merge from master yesterday:
git checkout master
0279411 Merge "versioned writes middleware"
Then I popped off to another branch to add the commits
git checkout -b fix-container-
Then I applied the fix from lp bug #1453948 comment #15
git am < dlo-tempurl.patch
Then I applied the fix in comment #82 (seems to require 3-way)
git am -3 < container-
Those changes taken together works well for me. I understand our new functional tests we should be validating the behaviors we're tracking. I also agree with @acoles suggested cleanups in comment #83 - but we'll need to reformat that patch.

Alistair Coles (alistair-coles) wrote : | #85 |
- tempurl-acoles-patch9.diff Edit (29.4 KiB, text/plain)
Apologies, patch at #83 does not work with git am. See the diff attached here generated using git format-patch.

Alistair Coles (alistair-coles) wrote : | #86 |
Clays #84 method to apply both patches WFM using patch at #85- thanks Clay for figuring that out:
Switched to a new branch 'fix-container-
Applying: Disallow unsafe tempurl operations to point to unauthorized data
Applying: Better scoping for tempurls, especially container tempurls
Using index info to reconstruct a base tree...
M swift/common/
M test/functional
M test/unit/
Falling back to patching base and 3-way merge...
Auto-merging test/unit/
Auto-merging test/functional
Auto-merging swift/common/
The result passes tox -e py27,pep8 and functional tests on my saio (with keystoneauth).
I'm +2 on patch at #85.

clayg (clay-gerrard) wrote : | #87 |
I'm +2 on patch @ #85
However, I'll admit that the commit messages makes things seem a little more dire than they would be after the tempurl-
... now, before you go thinking "maybe we don't need scoped tempurls if you can't make *LO's with tempurls?" - you *can* make *LO's with write-acl's - so it's a more complicated attack, but if we only did the other change, a write-acl and container-tempurl would be just as vulnerable to the DLO probing as described in the commit. Regardless of how the "object that points to other data" is created - scoping the ability of a container tempurl to grant read access only to the container that created them is critically important to meet our expected risk model.
After this is public we need to do doc change to highlight that container-tempurl's (unlike account-tempurls) don't work with cross-container manifests (again, regardless of how the cross-container manifests were created)

Tristan Cacqueray (tristan-cacqueray) wrote : | #88 |
Backports of patch #85 are needed for stable/kilo and stable/juno (using patches from bug 1453948, respectively from comment #17 and #16)

John Dickinson (notmyname) wrote : | #89 |
This is not needed for stable/juno. The feature (container-level tempurls) was only released in kilo.

John Dickinson (notmyname) wrote : | #90 |
- kilo-tempurl-bp-combined.patch Edit (37.2 KiB, text/plain)
Attached is a backport of the patch in #85 to kilo. It includes the approved patch for https:/

Alistair Coles (alistair-coles) wrote : | #91 |
+2 for backport at #90
applied to stale/kilo, passes func tests with keystone and tempauth, tox -e pep8,py27 and probe tests

Tristan Cacqueray (tristan-cacqueray) wrote : | #92 |
Can you also attach a version of the patch in #85 with the patch for bug 1453948 (the one in comment #15) ?
Regardless of the order, they don't apply cleanly.

clayg (clay-gerrard) wrote : | #93 |
- combined dlo & container tempurl fixes for master (ef8f14f) Edit (37.2 KiB, text/plain)
Ain't nobody trust that crazy -3 business!
ef8f14f Merge "Add OpenStack release names to changelog"
Applying: Disallow unsafe tempurl operations to point to unauthorized data
Applying: Better scoping for tempurls, especially container tempurls

Tristan Cacqueray (tristan-cacqueray) wrote : | #94 |
Thanks clayg,
the proposed disclosure date is:
2015-08-26, 1500UTC
Changed in ossa: | |
assignee: | nobody → Tristan Cacqueray (tristan-cacqueray) |
status: | Confirmed → Fix Committed |
information type: | Private Security → Public Security |
description: | updated |

OpenStack Infra (hudson-openstack) wrote : Fix merged to swift (master) | #95 |
Reviewed: https:/
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: master
commit d4409c0a046c6ce
Author: Samuel Merritt <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Aug 11 09:10:13 2015 -0500
Better scoping for tempurls, especially container tempurls
It used to be that a GET of a tempurl referencing a large object would
let you download that large object regardless of where its segments
lived. However, this led to some violated user expectations around
container tempurls.
(Note on shorthand: all tempurls reference objects. However, "account
tempurl" and "container tempurl" are shorthand meaning tempurls
generated using a key on the account or container, respectively.)
Let's say an application is given tempurl keys to a particular
container, and it does all its work therein using those keys. The user
expects that, if the application is compromised, then the attacker
only gains access to the "compromised-
behavior, the attacker could read data from *any* container like so:
1) Choose a "victim-container" to download
2) Create PUT and GET tempurl for any object name within the
we'll create it.
3) Using the PUT tempurl, upload a DLO manifest with
4) Using the GET tempurl, download the object created in step 3. The
result will be the concatenation of all objects in the
Step 3 need not be for all objects in the "victim-container"; for
example, a value "X-Object-Manifest: /victim-
be the concatenation of all objects whose names begin with "abc". By
probing for object names in this way, individual objects may be found
and extracted.
A similar bug would exist for manifests referencing other accounts
except that neither the X-Object-Manifest (DLO) nor the JSON manifest
document (SLO) have a way of specifying a different account.
This change makes it so that a container tempurl only grants access to
objects within its container, *including* large-object segments. This
breaks backward compatibility for container tempurls that may have
pointed to cross container *LO's, but (a) there are security
implications, and (b) container tempurls are a relatively new feature.
This works by having the tempurl middleware install an authorization
callback ('swift.authorize' in the WSGI environment) that limits the
scope of any requests to the account or container from which the key
This requires swift.authorize to persist for both the manifest request
and all segment requests; this is done by having the proxy server
restore it to the WSGI environment prior to returning from __call__.
Co-Authored-By: Clay Gerrard <email address hidden>
Co-Authored-By: Alistair Coles <alistair.
Changed in swift: | |
status: | Confirmed → Fix Committed |
Changed in swift: | |
milestone: | none → 2.4.0 |
status: | Fix Committed → Fix Released |

OpenStack Infra (hudson-openstack) wrote : Fix proposed to swift (feature/crypto) | #96 |
Fix proposed to branch: feature/crypto
Review: https:/

OpenStack Infra (hudson-openstack) wrote : Fix merged to swift (feature/crypto) | #97 |
Reviewed: https:/
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: feature/crypto
commit e02609c66a80484
Author: Samuel Merritt <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Sep 1 15:19:50 2015 -0700
Preserve traceback in swift-dispersio
Commit c690bcb fixed a bug in the dispersion report, but changed this
from a bare "raise" to "raise err", which loses the traceback. Not a
big deal, but worth putting back IMO.
Change-Id: Id5b72153a4b8df
commit d06d4ad0fd2dfe6
Author: Minwoo Bae <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Sep 1 15:08:44 2015 -0500
Included reference in swift.obj.diskfile to enumerate the string
used for data file paths.
Change-Id: Ie22caa678bc00d
commit 524c89b7eeff037
Author: John Dickinson <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Aug 21 13:39:41 2015 -0700
Updated CHANGELOG, AUTHORS, and .mailmap for 2.4.0 release.
Change-Id: Ic6301146b839c9
commit 05de1305a903ee4
Author: Clay Gerrard <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Aug 27 18:35:09 2015 -0700
Make ssync_sender send valid chunked requests
The connect method of ssync_sender tells the remote connection that it's
going to send a valid HTTP chunked request, but if the remote end needs
to respond with an error of any kind sender throws HTTP right out the
window, picks up his ball, and closes the socket down hard - much to the
surprise of the eventlet.wsgi server who up to this point had been
playing along quite nicely with this 'SSYNC' nonsense assuming that
everyone here is consenting mature adults.
If you're going to make a "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" request have the
good decency to finish the job with a proper '0\r\n\r\n'. [1]
N.B. It might be possible to handle an error status during the
honestly it's not entirely clear to me when the server isn't going to
close the connection if the client is still expected to send the body
[2] - further if the error comes later during missing_check or updates
we'll for sure want to send the chunk transfer termination line before
we close down the socket and this way we cover both.
1. Really, eventlet.wsgi shouldn't be so blasted brittle about this [3]
2. https:/
3. https:/
Closes-Bug #1489587
Change-Id: Ic17c6c3075553f
commit 993ee4e37af1961
Author: nakagawamsa <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Aug 28 11:49:43 2015 +0900
Remove duplicate X-Backend-
There is duplicate 'X-Backend-
One key has fixed policy index value, and another ha...
tags: | added: in-feature-crypto |

OpenStack Infra (hudson-openstack) wrote : Fix merged to swift (stable/kilo) | #98 |
Reviewed: https:/
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/kilo
commit f81435d340140a0
Author: Samuel Merritt <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Aug 11 09:10:13 2015 -0500
Better scoping for tempurls, especially container tempurls
It used to be that a GET of a tempurl referencing a large object would
let you download that large object regardless of where its segments
lived. However, this led to some violated user expectations around
container tempurls.
(Note on shorthand: all tempurls reference objects. However, "account
tempurl" and "container tempurl" are shorthand meaning tempurls
generated using a key on the account or container, respectively.)
Let's say an application is given tempurl keys to a particular
container, and it does all its work therein using those keys. The user
expects that, if the application is compromised, then the attacker
only gains access to the "compromised-
behavior, the attacker could read data from *any* container like so:
1) Choose a "victim-container" to download
2) Create PUT and GET tempurl for any object name within the
we'll create it.
3) Using the PUT tempurl, upload a DLO manifest with
4) Using the GET tempurl, download the object created in step 3. The
result will be the concatenation of all objects in the
Step 3 need not be for all objects in the "victim-container"; for
example, a value "X-Object-Manifest: /victim-
be the concatenation of all objects whose names begin with "abc". By
probing for object names in this way, individual objects may be found
and extracted.
A similar bug would exist for manifests referencing other accounts
except that neither the X-Object-Manifest (DLO) nor the JSON manifest
document (SLO) have a way of specifying a different account.
This change makes it so that a container tempurl only grants access to
objects within its container, *including* large-object segments. This
breaks backward compatibility for container tempurls that may have
pointed to cross container *LO's, but (a) there are security
implications, and (b) container tempurls are a relatively new feature.
This works by having the tempurl middleware install an authorization
callback ('swift.authorize' in the WSGI environment) that limits the
scope of any requests to the account or container from which the key
This requires swift.authorize to persist for both the manifest request
and all segment requests; this is done by having the proxy server
restore it to the WSGI environment prior to returning from __call__.
Co-Authored-By: Clay Gerrard <email address hidden>
Co-Authored-By: Alistair Coles <
Changed in ossa: | |
status: | Fix Committed → Fix Released |

OpenStack Infra (hudson-openstack) wrote : Fix proposed to swift (feature/hummingbird) | #99 |
Fix proposed to branch: feature/hummingbird
Review: https:/

OpenStack Infra (hudson-openstack) wrote : Fix merged to swift (feature/hummingbird) | #100 |
Reviewed: https:/
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: feature/hummingbird
commit cb683d391cb66d0
Author: OpenStack Proposal Bot <email address hidden>
Date: Sat Sep 5 06:17:51 2015 +0000
Imported Translations from Transifex
For more information about this automatic import see:
Change-Id: I2d92b8e34a665f
commit e4542455c8a07b7
Author: Emett Speer <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Sep 2 17:18:03 2015 -0700
[Labs] Update links to Cloud Admin Guide
Update links to the Cloud Admin Guide after the
RST conversion of that book altered URLs.
Change-Id: I899f8938498b74
commit 58fcc0752397830
Author: Christian Schwede <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Sep 2 10:52:34 2015 +0000
Test if container_sweep is executed on unmounted devices
This change ensures that container_sweep is not run if a device is not mounted
and mount_check is set to True.
Change-Id: I823083c8431d9e
commit e02609c66a80484
Author: Samuel Merritt <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Sep 1 15:19:50 2015 -0700
Preserve traceback in swift-dispersio
Commit c690bcb fixed a bug in the dispersion report, but changed this
from a bare "raise" to "raise err", which loses the traceback. Not a
big deal, but worth putting back IMO.
Change-Id: Id5b72153a4b8df
commit d06d4ad0fd2dfe6
Author: Minwoo Bae <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Sep 1 15:08:44 2015 -0500
Included reference in swift.obj.diskfile to enumerate the string
used for data file paths.
Change-Id: Ie22caa678bc00d
commit 615c7a204b9386e
Author: Brian Cline <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Sep 1 10:51:20 2015 -0500
Adds useful dispersion info from changelog
Change-Id: I1a45088fc32620
commit 3b8755098a1786c
Author: janonymous <email address hidden>
Date: Sun Aug 2 21:29:13 2015 +0530
Replace a / b with a // b to use integer division where needed
Change-Id: I72c81faa62786e
commit 524c89b7eeff037
Author: John Dickinson <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Aug 21 13:39:41 2015 -0700
Updated CHANGELOG, AUTHORS, and .mailmap for 2.4.0 release.
Change-Id: Ic6301146b839c9
commit 05de1305a903ee4
Author: Clay Gerrard <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Aug 27 18:35:09 2015 -0700
Make ssync_sender send valid chunked requests
The connect method of ssync_sender tells the remote connection that it's
going to send a valid HTTP chunked request, but if the remote end needs
to respond with an error of any kind sender th...
tags: | added: in-feature-hummingbird |
Since this report concerns a possible security risk, an incomplete security advisory task has been added while the core security reviewers for the affected project or projects confirm the bug and discuss the scope of any vulnerability along with potential solutions.