Comment 6 for bug 349329

Revision history for this message
Martin Spacek (mspacek) wrote :

Peter, the bzrlib.errors.PathNotChild error should now be fixed. Try the latest trunk rev.

I'm a bit confused as to the actual contents of your dump file. If the svn:log entry for Revision-number: 173 is as you say in your last post:

K 7
V 113
Copied Chapter 5 (SiteMesh) complete over ZacksTool. Defines new baseline.
Renamed org.appfuse to org.alembix.

...then that should work fine. But according to your previous posts, it looks like you're getting a unicode error. svn2bzr doesn't (yet) support unicode in svn:log and svn:author fields. I'm not sure where you're getting those XML lines describing the commit message from. If the svn:log entry doesn't actually look exactly like above, then go in and delete any unicode characters. You should also decrement the 113 value appropriately (this describes the minimum length of the message field). You might also want to add a few extra blank lines after the entry, just to be safe. If you do modify your dump file, make sure your text editor doesn't strip trailing spaces or replace line endings.

Could you re-post that region of your dump file as an attachment?