Comment 1 for bug 101903

Revision history for this message
Pierre Buyle (mongolito404) wrote :

 * "Ismaël" is not an error during importing data since e registred on the 2007-05-01 (according to the database).
 * Errors in form fields during registration and edition are displayed but not in red. The red color is useful and will added together with a simple error message on top of the form.
 * I will look at the "Iñtërnâtiônàlizætiøn Test" registration later.
 * Concerning the confirmation code, as (badly) explained at the top of the password lost page, password recovery is a two steps process. First fill only the email field, if a supporter with that email is registered, an email with the confirmation code is sent. Then, fill both fields and a new password will be sent.