Comment 7 for bug 2049516

Revision history for this message
Jeff Hillman (jhillman) wrote :

Doing a test with the 23.10.1 ISO at

Using this simple autoinstall file:

  version: 1

    geoip: true
    preserve_sources_list: false
    - arches: [amd64, i386]
    - arches: [default]

    package: linux-generic-hwe-22.04

    install: false
    install: false

    install: auto
    id: ubuntu-desktop-minimal
    search_drivers: false
  timezone: America/Chicago
  updates: security

    hostname: tiny
    password: $6$NtXwPsM/enBpRMOS$lxsTsJPuSzovFVWJdN3TF89yaqVzLTeqthUD8feRljnTs6EENgkOqttrkd3fiNWJFqRqi.5/m7RUi6.IgKkwb0
    username: ubuntu
    layout: us
    toggle: null
    variant: ''
  locale: en_US
  # update: yes

      name: hybrid
      encrypted: yes

    allow-pw: true
    install-server: true
      - [key_1]

WITHOUT setting refresh_install to update: yes, it will boot to the desktop environment, and present me with the ready to install screen.

I let it sit here, idle for 10 minutes. at which point I just hit the Install button, at which point the isntaller actually kicked off and then it took 3:52 minutes to actually do the autoinstall (configured LUKs and all)

i then used the same ISO, changed the user-data file to update: yes and proceeded.

This time around, I never got the Ready to install screen, instead i get a screen with a spinning whell that says "welcome to ubuntu", with a Preparing ubuntu message, and all buttons grayed out.

I can confirm that the ubuntu_desktop_installer is running, but no logs are being updated in /var/log/installer, and no crash report is being created.

As of the time of writing this bug, the installer has been sitting at the same screen for over 30 minutes.

To summarize, it appears the 23.10.1 ISO containers a working version of the installer, except that it does require a manual touch of 1 button to begin the install.

The updated installed 0+git.4edfab2b doesn't appear to work with autoinstall at all.