Comment 0 for bug 2041828

Revision history for this message
Arian Furrer (epic-nan) wrote :

When installing the Ubuntu Server 22.04.3 LTS ISO manually, in the network section of the installation, the gateway and name servers are not saved. This causes the next 2 steps (proxy => installation of packages) to fail as the name resolution is broken. Going back 2 screens and editing the IPv4 settings reveals that:

1) "Gateway" is empty
2) "Name servers" is empty
3) The one entry from "Search domains" has been appended again.

This is fully reproducable on my system, however only tested virtually. See my steps below:

1) Download ISO from <<>>
2) Make a VM in vCenter
    - 8 CPU cores / 1 socket
    - 16 GB RAM
    - 200 GB Disk (for OS)
    - 8 GB Disk (for SWAP)
    - EFI but no secure boot
    - 1 Network adapter
3) Open VM Monitor and power on VM
4) Set keyboard layout to Switzerland & "Variant": Switzerland
5) Select only "Ubuntu Server" (no proprietary drivers or Ubuntu PRO)
6) Enter manual IP address ("Subnet", "Address", "Gateway", "Name servers" and "Search domains" field filled out"
7) Press "[Done]"

I checked the network topology / route as well, but that seems not to be an issue; other devices in the same VLAN with the same Firewall rules do not have the same issue.

For obvious reasons I cannot attach any files from the installer as the network on the server is not functional. The screenshots attached in the tarball have been censored as to not expose my company's network structure.