Comment 6 for bug 1969822

Revision history for this message
fernanAguero (fernan-iib) wrote :

Hi Dan, thanks for the fast response. No, the disks where clean. I just started fresh (from zero!) using the VMWAre Vsphere Client.

New VM
  -> Add HDD (Create New Virtual Disk, Thick Provision Lazy Zeroed, Store with the VM, 50 GB
     SCSI (0:0) Hard Disk 1)
  -> Add HDD (Create New Virtual Disk, Thick Provision Lazy Zeroed, Store with the VM, 300 GB
     SCSI (0:1) Hard Disk 2)
  -> Add HDD (Create New Virtual Disk, Thick Provision Lazy Zeroed, Store with the VM, 300 GB
     SCSI (0:2) Hard Disk 3)
  -> Add CD/DVD Drive (Connect at power on; Device Type: Datastore ISO File: ubuntu-22.04-live-server-amd64.iso)

Then Boot the VM and at the console select Try/Install Ubuntu.
Then, went for the "Custom Storage Layout", this was what I did first, and were unable to proceed past the "Storage Configuration" screen.

In my second attempt (same session, did not reboot the VM), I went up to the "Help" box in the upper right corner and hit the "Exit to Shell" option, where I did the following fdisk commands manually. This is what may be confusing you, as this made the disks appear as formatted.

fdisk /dev/sda (n: create new partition, accept all defaults; a: toogle bootable; w write to disk and exit)
fdisk /dev/sdb (n: create new partition, accept all defaults; w write to disk and exit)
fdisk /dev/sdc (n: create new partition, accept all defaults; w write to disk and exit)
mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda1
mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb1
mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdc1
exit shell and return to installer
resume configuring storage layout (here is where I succeeded even if I had to select mount -> Other -> / (as the mount / option was greyed out).

My bug report is about two confusing things: 1) starting with fresh disks there is no way of selecting a bootable disk and at the same time selecting / as a mount point (options greyed out); 2) even after formatting the disks in the shell, it is confusing that the "mount under /" option is greyed out and one has to go to "Other", then /.

Hope it is clearer now. I am now attaching the complete logs, though I understand they may contain information from the whole session and may be confusing. I can try and reproduce with a new VM from scratch.

PS: how can you run asciinema within the installer?

Cheers -- fernan