Comment 2 for bug 1960162

Revision history for this message
Afraz Khan (afrazkhan) wrote : Re: Subiquity Shows Created User Password in Plaintext with Read-all Permissions


Thanks for looking intot this.

I used the 20.04.3 ISO, from the Ubuntu website (

Whilst writing up the steps I took, I managed to reproduce the issue in a VM on MacOS, running the latest Virtualbox:

1. Boot from USB to a physical laptop (though for this attempt it was a VM as mentioned)
2. Select UK English as language
3. When the screen offering to update the installer comes up, select yes. This says that it's going to upgrade the current version of 21.08.2 to version 21.12.2
4. Change both the keyboard layout and variant to "English UK"
5. Configure Wi-Fi (not ethernet), next choose no proxy, and the default mirror that's offered (for me this was
6. For disk setup, choose almost vanilla options to use the entire disk, with the only change being to "Encrypt the LVM group with LUKS"
7. Check box to install OpenSSH server
8. When offered the option of importing an SSH key, opt to do so from Github
9. At the "Featured Server Snaps" selection screen, choose only "canonical-livepath"
10. Allow the installation to finish completely, along with the security updates (do not hit "Cancel update and reboot")

I'm sure a lot of that isn't relevant, but it's included for the sake of completeness, and because I've seen stranger things ;)

The logfiles I mentioned should be available in the `/var/logs/installer/` directory, even after reboots. An example of one of the lines:

2022-02-08 09:23:46,896 INFO aiohttp.access:233 [08/Feb/2022:09:23:46 +0000] "POST /storage/guided?choice=%7B%22disk_id%22:+%22disk-sda%22,+%22use_lvm%22:+true,+%22password%22:+%22PASSWORD_THAT_SHOULD_NOT_BE_HERE%22%7D HTTP/1.1" 200 15640 "-" "Python/3.8 aiohttp/3.6.2"
