Comment 0 for bug 1943816

Revision history for this message
jeremyszu (os369510) wrote : "ubuntu-drivers install" needs to be used to install nvidia-driver if enabling "third-party packages"

ubiquity calls
ubuntu-drivers install $FREEONLY $NOOEM --package-list /run/ubuntu-drivers.autoinstall
to generate package list during live system but "ubuntu-drivers install" not only install packages but also create some config files for switching nvidia mode (e.g. on-demand) and change the runtime config as well (e.g. modify the iniramfs).


In ubuntu-drivers-common, which read the "/run/ubuntu-drivers.autoinstall" to install package. It also skipping the nvidia-mode changing (made by ubuntu-drivers install).
$ cat ubiquity/target-config/31ubuntu_driver_packages
set -e

# install all packages that "ubuntu-drivers autoinstall" installed into the
# live system. Ubiquity calls this with --package-list /run/ubuntu-drivers.autoinstall

[ -e $PKGLIST ] || exit 0

for p in `cat $PKGLIST`; do
    apt-install $p


We need to use a same approach to make sure the nvidia mode is same on a same system (either all handing by ubuntu-drivers install or change the logic to maintainer script in each package).