Comment 6 for bug 1922392

Revision history for this message
Frank Heimes (fheimes) wrote : Re: No progress indication while booting subiquity four minutes

Please see attached the curtin-init log of a s390x installation as z/VM guests.

While re-doing some installs I faced the following situation:

I got the following 3270 console output:

Configuring networking...
QETH device 0.0.0600:0.0.0601:0.0.0602 already configured
IP-Config: enc600 hardware address 02:33:0a:00:00:0b mtu 1500
IP-Config: enc600 guessed broadcast address
IP-Config: enc600 complete:
 address: broadcast: netmask:

 gateway: dns0 : dns1 :

 rootserver: rootpath:
 filename :
Connecting to (
hirsute-live-server- 7% |** | 56.9M 0:00:12 ETA
hirsute-live-server- 21% |****** | 168M 0:00:07 ETA
hirsute-live-server- 35% |*********** | 280M 0:00:05 ETA
hirsute-live-server- 49% |*************** | 392M 0:00:04 ETA
hirsute-live-server- 63% |******************** | 503M 0:00:02 ETA
hirsute-live-server- 77% |************************ | 615M 0:00:01 ETA
hirsute-live-server- 92% |***************************** | 727M 0:00:00 ETA
hirsute-live-server- 100% |********************************| 790M 0:00:00 ETA
passwd: password expiry information changed.
QETH device 0.0.0600:0.0.0601:0.0.0602 already configured
no search or nameservers found in /run/net-enc600.conf /run/net-*.conf /run/net6
Ý 146.652699¨ /dev/loop3: Can't open blockdev
Ý 148.114590¨ systemdÝ1¨: Job <email address hidden>/start de
leted to break ordering cycle starting with
Ý Ý0;1;31m SKIP Ý0m¨ Ordering cycle found, skipping Ý0;1;39mSerial Getty on tt
yS0 Ý0m

And the output stopped here, with no further output at this stage!

But the installer responded on ssh:

fheimes@T570:~$ ssh installer@
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:r5mLgWy15/Bgh2TsWJ1kn9TDx8+kfTQgQdBoK3+igPw.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
installer@'s password:

But no way to get the temp installer password.

With having the _full_ boot log of the starting installation (like we had in the past), there would have been a chance to find the installer password in the output (if not at the end - as usual, maybe a little bit earlier in the logs - from the curtin output), now this chance is gone.

Tbh I don't really see the point on limiting the output of the installer booting, since an installation is done only one time in the live cycle of a (installed and running) system - and many things can go wrong, like problems with hardware devices and drivers, with the network specification (on s390x, casper), network connectivity issues to the archive, no temp. password output (see above), etc.
Therefore I think the output that is provided in the console during boot-up of the installer is the ONLY information one may get (for troubleshooting and debugging), hence it should be 'as verbose as' possible - in my opinion.