Comment 0 for bug 1888497

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Frank Heimes (fheimes) wrote : Sporadically the installer system does not boot-up completely

From time to time (sporadically and very rarely - maybe in one or two attempt out of twenty) I face a situation where the installer system (on s390x) does not boot-up completely.

This happened to me in the past already, but since it happened only one or twice I thought it's due to resource constraints on the system or so.
But since I faced it now again on LPAR (before it was on z/VM), I'm opening this ticket now.

In the latest case I used the focal daily live image from the 20th of July with installer 20.06.1 (but that also happened with previous versions).

The situation is like this:

In boot of the installer ends here (LPAR):
"[ 128.200711] cloud-init[1375]: The key's randomart image is:"
"[ 128.200735] cloud-init[1375]: +--[ED25519 256]--+"
"[ 128.200758] cloud-init[1375]: |o |"
"[ 128.200781] cloud-init[1375]: |.= . . +. o. .|"
"[ 128.200804] cloud-init[1375]: |+ * . . * o.o . |"
"[ 128.200826] cloud-init[1375]: |.= o . = = = + |"
"[ 128.200849] cloud-init[1375]: |o + . S o + |"
"[ 128.200876] cloud-init[1375]: | + o = . . |"
"[ 128.200900] cloud-init[1375]: | o + . |"
"[ 128.200925] cloud-init[1375]: | o.=. E |"
"[ 128.200947] cloud-init[1375]: | .+.o+o. |"
"[ 128.200977] cloud-init[1375]: +----[SHA256]-----+"
"[ 138.898906] cloud-init[2217]: Cloud-init v. 20.2-45-g5f7825e2-0ubuntu1~20.04."
"1 running 'modules:config' at Wed, 22 Jul 2020 11:27:39 +0000. Up 138.77 seconds"
"[ 138.898966] cloud-init[2217]: Set the following 'random' passwords"
"[ 138.899001] cloud-init[2217]: installer:aecmewaoicnai"

or another example (z/VM):
¬ 93.463680| cloud-init¬1282|: +--¬ED25519 256|--+
¬ 93.463713| cloud-init¬1282|: !Eo=o .... !
¬ 93.463749| cloud-init¬1282|: !.Bo.o ... o !
¬ 93.463782| cloud-init¬1282|: !**.*... o = !
¬ 93.463818| cloud-init¬1282|: !*=O o. o . . !
¬ 93.463849| cloud-init¬1282|: !**++ S !
¬ 93.463886| cloud-init¬1282|: !§o+.. !
¬ 93.463918| cloud-init¬1282|: !+*o. !
¬ 93.463954| cloud-init¬1282|: !.o. !
¬ 93.463988| cloud-init¬1282|: !. !
¬ 93.464028| cloud-init¬1282|: +----¬SHA256|-----+
¬ 104.841438| cloud-init¬2004|: Cloud-init v. 20.2-45-g5f7825e2-0ubuntu1ß20.04.
1 running 'modules:config' at Mon, 20 Jul 2020 10:46:38 +0000. Up 104.63 seconds
¬ 104.841490| cloud-init¬2004|: Set the following 'random' passwords
¬ 104.841516| cloud-init¬2004|: installer:U9NJDuvXFw6X2fxG7pP8

But it is not complete at this point.
A completed boot of the installer system ends like this:

"It is possible to connect to the installer over the network, which"
"might allow the use of a more capable terminal and can offer more languages"
"than can be rendered in the Linux console."

"To connect, SSH to installer@<IP address>."

"The password you should use is "ydnjdnciu"kZ4tR4vRvPxHPerCNU8g""."

"The host key fingerprints are:"

"RSA SHA256:n+6TJsfdCBII2PO89GMU10mG1oFvEIFBT2v6uPN0Jz0"
"ECDSA SHA256:VcDS5ac8xswXxFEghjo1ZIcue38AM6HJg0poIxdeeec"
"ED25519 SHA256:lb/DVVhj1obDPhfo3M8oPqeAyduvlLcPFJCC8ZaiCJY"

"Ubuntu 20.04 LTS ubuntu-server sclp_line0"

In such an above situation I also can't reach the subiquity UI:

fheimes@T570:~$ ssh-keygen -f "/home/fheimes/.ssh/known_hosts" -R s1lp14
# Host s1lp14 found: line 165
/home/fheimes/.ssh/known_hosts updated.
Original contents retained as /home/fheimes/.ssh/known_hosts.old
fheimes@T570:~$ ssh installer@s1lp14
The authenticity of host 's1lp14 (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:AoYrJhWOFaaEtUun/aZAT8/VgNP+yq//Jhg7vzUwvxE.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
Warning: Permanently added 's1lp14,' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
installer@s1lp14's password:
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Hence even gathering the logs is unfortunately not easily possible.