Comment 0 for bug 1785356

Revision history for this message
Tom Reynolds (tomreyn) wrote : Please generate version 4 UUIDs, not version 1

Using the 18.04.1 server-live installer with manual partitioning, the system ends up with an fstab like this:

UUID=d94e7ea3-9785-11e8-b625-080027681a6b / ext4 defaults 0 0
UUID=d94e7ea2-9785-11e8-b625-080027681a6b /boot ext4 defaults 0 0
/swap.img none swap sw 0 0

As is obvious, the UUIDs generated here are very similar, which may abet user errors. The classic Ubuntu server installer generates version 4 UUIDs which provide much more variance.

This may be visualized by using, for example, the bulk UUID generators version 1 and 4 at