Comment 19 for bug 901393

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Karol Krenski (mimoohowy) wrote :

Yes, I can confirm. Freshly built stratagus 2.2.7 + wargus 2.2.7. Compiled on my machine amd64. On this machine I start two instances of wargus in this manner:
./stratagus -W -v 1024x768 &
./stratagus -W -v 1024x768 &

and I play a mutiplayer game between two windows on interface. I start getting 'network out of sync' within 15 minutes on a map that I created in the editor. (BTW, the editor doesn't save many values to the files, like the race, the AI-style, the values of the starting resources (wood, gold, oil) so I edited the map file with a text editor).

The option -i suggested by cybermind is not working:
wszafie:wargus$ ./stratagus -i
./stratagus: invalid option -- 'i'