Comment 4 for bug 1022459

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Geoff Bache (geoff.bache) wrote :

Thanks for the UI. When I run it the "Close" button doesn't even work from StoryText, which is a strange one, I'll look into that.
I presume that's what you mean by "not detecting activations of the dialog buttons"?

The annoying thing with the GtkBuilder names is that it isn't obvious how to tell if they've been autogenerated or not. With ordinary Gtk names they all start with "Gtk" if they're autogenerated so StoryText ignores them. The problem with using autogenerated names is that they usually aren't stable across GUI changes, for example you add a new button near the start and every single number changes, very annoying if your UI map file is full of them. I suppose one solution would be to use the GtkBuilder name if it doesn't end in a digit :)
What do you reckon?